First Class Tour

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"That was extremely indecent of you, Lani Skywalker. I expected more from you, as did your friends and older mentor. Mara Jade is a wonderful student, I hope you can learn from her." Marta giggled behind Miss Higgs' back. I could tell my buddy was extremely upset that I was standing in my own house.

After a solid 10 minutes worth of lectures, Miss Higgs began to lead us around the palace. "So Lani, enjoying the tour?" Kiara asked, smirking. I nodded, feigning enthusiasm.

"Oh yes." I gushed. "It's greeeeeeat."

That caused Mara and Kiara to burst into giggles while America chuckled, careful to not draw to much attention to ourselves, as Miss Higgs was on a warpath.

"And this here is the grand hall." Higgs announced, stopping to let us admire the intricate woodwork.

"And that banister is a blast to slide down." I added in a whisper. Kiara erupted into giggles, while America nodded slightly, agreeing.

"And this here is the kitchens....."

"Which is usually uninhabited and filled with healthy foods." I said. "We have a couple Droids to work around here, but Dad's sent them off for repairs."

"And Lord Vader's private office." She pointed at the door to my room. I snickered. Yes, very private. However, it was not an office, seeing as it was five times larger and belonged to me. I made a mental note to ask my father about why he said that later.

"My room." I corrected in a whisper. Maybe if we can get away I'll show you it." America seemed to like that idea.

"Just so long add you've tidied it up." She replied, grinning.

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