My Father

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I am sooo sorry, I've put off updating this story with all of my others, and I am really sorry. I promise to update sooner, I had completely forgotten the cliffhanger I had left you on.

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around the sith lord's neck. "I have a father." I whispered to myself. Vader chuckled slightly, while awkwardly patting my back.

"I've missed you." He said once I had released him. "I could feel that you had been born, but I didn't know where you were. I found you as soon as I could."

I nodded, whipping stray tears out of my eyes.

"This means that you will have to meet the Emperor soon, Lani. And you must behave, for I cannot protect you from him." I nodded. It was all so much to take in.

Soon, however, I had to excuse myself from Lord Va..... my father's study and return to my room to finish the homework I had.  I has tucked myself in need, and was nearly asleep when the door crept open, and a deep mechanical voice said, "I love you, Lani."

There is a short resolution for you. Hope you liked it...... I'll put up a better next chapter for you tomorrow. Again, I apologize for the long absence.

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