Easy Escape

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I stayed with the droids as Luke, Chewy, and Han's presences melted away, heading for the detention level. It was nearly impossible to wait quietly while every other living, breathing member of our team was out risking their lives, but I did as I was told, listening to the droids as they bickered endlessly.

I felt a click in my gut, and breathing got the slightest bit easier. Obi-Wan had taken care of the retractor beam. We could escape the second Luke, Han, and Chewbacca returned with Princess Leia. My breathing relaxed considerably. But Obi-Wan was heading the wrong way. Instead of returning, he was going deeper into the death star. Shrugging the feeling off, I returned my focus to my father. He was in a meeting, an important one at that. So long as Obi-Wan didn't announce himself, he would be able to snoop around without being caught.

Returning my focus to Luke, who's presence other than my father's served to be the easiest to hone on to, I closed my eyes, relying on the force to show me where they were. They were joined by a warm presence I assumed was the princess, and were making their way down the hall if the detention center. Without warning, they stopped, and one by one disappeared from the floor, seeming to slide down a chute.

What trouble had they gotten themselves into now? I asked myself, frowning. The signals were compressed, coming in short bursts. Annoyance. Nervousness. Panic. Scared.

(At this point in writing my chapter, I realized that I could no longer find a full movie clip in YouTube. I apologize for any minor mistakes regarding the sequence of events that follow. Never mind, I found a clip that should suffice for this chapter. Carry on.)

I looked up with a start. I could hear clones approaching. My guess was five or six, all matching in a line. Jumping up, I shoved both droids into a small backroom for storage, the door sliding shut as voices entered the control room.

I instructed C-3PO and R2 to exit first, whereas I would try to hide. However, that plan failed.

"That madman! They're heading to the prison levels! If you hurry you might catch them!" 3PO said, his voice animated. One of the clones spotted me behind the pair of droids, my wrists bound in the string that had once acted as my belt.

"Ma'am...." One said, recognizing me.

I shusged him. "Hurry!" I cried. He believed me, leaving only one man to stay behind. "I'm afraid with the excitement these droids have blown circuits. " I libbed, looking sadly at the pair before back up to the clone. "I'm going to bring then to repairs."

The clone nodded. I pocketed Luke's emergency microphone, and left, dragging the two ungrateful heaps of metal behind me.

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