Sighing I just continued to look out the window watching as my surroundings changed. The road that Natalie had taken about 20 minutes ago started breaking off as if she was coming to a dead end.

"We are getting close, now Nicholas, they're protecting Skylar and me. You come third to them because you're a descendant. They don't mean any disrespect, it just ingrained into them to act like true hunters. They will still protect you though, to the best of their abilities, but they will look for us first if they feel there's danger."

"Queen Natalie I understand and I appreciate them caring for me. Don't worry though, I will also choose to protect Queen Skylar first too," Nicholas said.

"Nicholas I'm no queen, please don't call me that."

"Not yet my queen."

Rolling my eyes, I laid my head back against the car window choosing to just ignore Nicholas. We were getting deeper into what appeared to be the woods and for a second I started panicking. Sensing my nerves, Natalie reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Don't breathe, Skylar. You're releasing energy and you want to keep all the energy you can to make a good first impression."

Nodding my head I tried to do as ask, making sure to slow down my breathing so it was nonexistent. Immediately upon hearing that I had to make a good first impression I felt my holy side slightly come out. It wasn't entirely there, the aura I usually gave out but I could still feel it. The power radiating out of me. If you looked closely you could see a light blue aura around my body, but it was harder to see depending on what creature you were. Some could see it but not feel it while others could feel it but not see the color. Only a royal or a virtuous angel could experience both; something that was meant to protect us and establish a hierarchy. 

"You're glowing," Natalie mumbled.

"You said to make a good first impression," I responded.

"That I did," She responded as she slowed the car down.

Turning back to look outside I noticed we were coming up to a large mansion which was probably the same size as Alex's on the beach. The only difference was there were fewer windows to this mansion and the paint was slightly more distressed.

"Now Nicholas, don't interrupt the Alpha hunter. Also do not touch the alpha's daughter or son and especially do not touch his wife. I know how you behave," Natalie said as she parked the car.

Looking at Nicholas through the rear view mirror, I watched as he rolled his eyes before letting out a sigh. I could tell he didn't like being told what to do by Natalie, but before he could responded, our attention was shifted to the sound of a door being opened. Immediately, I felt my instinct kick in as I moved slightly away from the door and stared at the man walking outside of the house; his family, coming soon after him.

"Don't worry Queen Natalie I mean no harm," Nicholas said with a low chuckle. I didn't have to turn around to know Nicholas was smiling widely. 

Letting go of my hand, Natalie whispered into my ear.

"Remember they mean no harm, just be yourself Sky."

Nodding my head, but still being caution with my action, I followed the other two lead and step out of the car. I waited by the passager door, and without missing a beat, by using his super-speed, Nicholas was right next to me. Natalie on the other hand took her time to stand on the other side of me, her aura still radiating. 

Keeping my attention on the man, I watched as he smiled widely at us, his brown hair slicked back and his beard nicely trimmed. As he approached us, with his family, I noticed he had green eyes; a rare eye color for hunters.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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