Haunting Past

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Skylar's POV:

The one thing about having a mate and finally finding them is understanding you have reunited your soul with a piece that was missing within you. It was, to an extent an unfortunate aspect of having a mate and one that was so powerful like mine because as soon as I realize who Alex was to me, I noticed what I was missing within me. That was why I never stayed too far away from Alex for long periods of time. What I lacked she supplied, and what she needed I gave; that why we were perfect for each other. That was why I was starting to have doubt settling within me because I knew that even if I saw Alex hurting me in an alternative future, she wouldn't do it in ours. She had multiple chances to do so before and she has never laid a finger on me, no matter how consumed with anger she was.

I didn't want Natalie to think I was ungrateful though or for Nicholas to once again get me a lecture about how Alex didn't really care about me. It was just within me to miss her and I knew despite the bond we shared, I genuinely missed her. To everyone, Alex was a strict and harsh queen, but to me, she was sweet and caring.

We just balanced one another out, so being so far away from her, just hurt a little more than it did yesterday.

Driving in this car, for close to 20 hours, caused me to think a lot.

Was I doing the right thing?

I knew in a sick way I was because despite believe she would never hurt me, I couldn't say the same for everyone else especially with my halo being broken. If there was one thing an angel pride themself in was their halo and having my broken, physically hurt me.

It was no wonder why I felt like crying every second of the day, and remembering what Natalie had said yesterday, I turned to look at her. I was sitting in the passage seat while Nicholas was in the backseat laying down and seemingly throwing in the air a ball that he had found on the car floor. She looked somewhat tired but her eyes were shining so I knew she was in her hunter form.

"Why are you in your hunter form?" I asked softly.

Giving me a quick glance, she responded.

"I've been driving for almost a whole day, my human body would have passed out already. I'm running off energy now."

"We could have just flown," Nicholas mumbled.

"Nicholas are you dense? Are you really that stupid? By now Alex would have angels in the air searching for her. Being in a car is our safest transportation at the moment. They can't see us if we are covered."

"Where are you even taking us?" Nicholas asked as he got on his elbows to look at us.

"I already told you I can't tell you. If Skylar knows, then Alex will be able to pick up the information from her mind, even if they haven't completed the bond. Tell me, Skylar, can you communicate with Alex through your mind."

"Of course, she's my mate, but she doesn't do it a lot. If she wants to talk to me, she just finds me."

"Exactly, so if I tell you guys, you'll have that information in your brain and she'll be able to find it. For now, just know, you'll be safe and the people we're going to meet already agree to watch over us, especially you Skylar. For some reason, they are in love with the idea of meeting a royal from heaven. They are probably one of the only packs that believe in true balances. They will not hurt a creature that doesn't deserve it. I don't trust any other pack with an angel and a descendant," Natalie responded.

Nodding my head I thanked Natalie.

She was doing a lot for us, for me, and didn't ask for anything in return. Giving her a small smile, I continued to look out the window, just trying to make some sense of where we were. Unfortunately, I only ever stayed in one location while I was on Earth, and I didn't even know the name of that location. I knew it was a state in America but I didn't know which one. I always forget to ask because it didn't seem important. I lived in Heaven and didn't have a reason to be on Earth if Alex wasn't there with me.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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