Ancestors and Descendants

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Skylar's POV:

It is proper rules of etiquette to address a Queen on time and with respect. It was one of the most basic lessons I learned in my private angel classes. Anything else, even a slight track of attitude can result in receiving a harsh punishment. Not necessarily death but enough pain that you would wish to trade places with even your best friend. That was one of the many lessons I witnessed and experienced with Alex. Undoubtedly, the teaching about receiving a harsh punishment was never taught to these people. The deadly sins live up to their names.

"For the last time, there is no way that Skylar saw the future."

"Oh come on, Alex, you're telling me you didn't feel whatever it was that Skylar's expelled from her body?" Jackie said as she leaned slightly forward to look at Alex.

I was comfortably sitting next to Jackie on the couch, watching her interact with Alex, who was once again back in her chair. It was placed near the fireplace, which helped illuminate her halo that hovers perfectly of her head by just a few inches. It was slightly hard to see, but it was there nevertheless. Sometimes I even forgot that it was there, and subconsciously, I reached up to touch my own, my eyes never leaving Alex's halo. My fingers hovered over my head to see if I could feel my halo, but unfortunately, I couldn't. It was, after all, just light.

"Of course I felt it, I was holding her hand," Alex said as she looked over at me.

Slightly frowning, Alex tilted her head as if questioning what I was doing. Shaking my head, I lowered my hand and interlocked my fingers together.

"Anyone want to fill us two in?" Gabe asked.

"We can always just reschedule the meeting Alex," Brendon mumbled.

"Can everyone just be silent for one second, I can't think with everyone going off," Alex said.

"So that's it? We are going to say no to Skylar seeing the future?"

"Oh my God, Jackie! Skylar didn't see the future because it's not possible! Not even I can see the future!" Alex said before abruptly standing up.

Instantly I stood up too to try and comfort Alex. Placing my hand lightly on Alex's shoulder, I guided her to sit down on my lap. Sighing, she allowed me to take control as I secured my arms around her waist and placed my chin on her shoulder. Leaning back, I felt Alex slightly relax before laying her head on the side of mine. I knew my touch was calming her down, so I tried to give her some of my energy.

"Are you done with your tantrum?" Jackie commented.

"Let's not poke the beast, please," I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

"Can we all just backtrack for one second, please?" Gabe commented as he tried to gain our attention.

"What do you mean you don't have the power to see the future? Aren't you like all-knowing, all power, and all present?" Brendon asked this time.

Groaning, Alex shifted her weight slightly before addressing the boys.

"No one can see the future or at least any realistic version of it. It all complicated stuff I don't want to get into it," Alex said.

"Can you make it less complicated then?" I whispered slightly in Alex's ear. Once again, Alex's groan.

"Fine but just this once... and cause you asked," Alex said before she once again shifted her weight. I will be lying if I said that I could be the big spoon in our relationship.

"For starts, I'm not God. He is the one who created everything and lives in eternity. I am just a descendant of that power, which is why I am born. And also, for the record, there is no future for God, he envisioned everything all at one and lives during it all. He is all-present, which means being aware and present at all times; past, present, and future. Secondly, everyone has free-will to do as they wish because God loves his children enough for them to choose their path, no matter if we chose to live in sin. Even though I have foresight, I can't know what you guys will do with your free-will since I am not all present."

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