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Skylar's POV:

As if my body knew dawn was arriving, I felt myself slowly waking up. Memories of last night flooded my mind and I couldn't help but let out a sigh. While I was still laying down in my bed I felt someone's grip over my waist tighten and I wasn't the slightest bit scared since I knew it was just Alex.

Turning around in her arms, I couldn't help but take in her features. Her body was completely still and if I didn't know she was an angel I would have assumed she was dead simple for the fact that her chest didn't raise. The only reason I knew she was still alive was that her grip on me would tighten only to soften after a while.

As I was taking in her features I couldn't help but look at her soft lip. It had felt like a century ago since I last kissed her and the event of why it took place isn't one I wish to remember. The kiss happened only out of lust and anger when she was possessed by total wrath. When it comes to being a deadly sin, too much of your sin could drive you insane thus explaining why she was so hateful towards me.

Shaking the thought out of my head, I wished to rid my mind of it because it wasn't something I ever wanted to experience again. Instead, I filled my mind of the beauty in front of me and every detail I could see in her face. I knew that Alex was a light sleeper so I knew she was only entertaining me with her figure. Wanting to see those purple eyes that were of their only existed I found myself calling out her name. Instantly she opened her eyes and a soft smile found its way onto her lips.

"Did you sleep well?" Alex asked as she seemed to search my eyes for an answer.

Nodding my head, I returned her smile and opened my mouth to speak my mind.

"Do you have any plans for today?"

Watching Alex's facial expression, I noticed how she frowned a bit as if she was thinking to herself before responding.

"I always have some kind of duty to attend to but at the moment none has come to mind."

I couldn't help but smile widely at her response as I looked into those purple eyes I loved so much. We ended up just laying there in perfect harmony for at least another 5 minutes before Alex slowly got up from the bed saying that we had to eat something.

I wasn't one to argue with Alex so I simply got out of bed and processed to change my attire as soon as Alex left the room. She spoke of going quickly to her chamber to change as well before coming back to accompany me to the dining hall.

All and all it took no longer than a few minutes before we were ready and started heading to the dining room to be served breakfast. Like always, Lucas and Taylor were already there since it was disrespectful to be late when in the presence of the queen.

While walking deeper into the dining room it was only then that I saw two other figures sitting down at the table; Nicholas and Mia.

The second they saw us they all stood except Nicholas who tried but failed miserably.

"You can sit," Alex said as she took her spot at the head of the table.

Me being her mate I took my seat next to her since I didn't want to be too far from her comfort.

Smiling at the others who were sitting at the table, I then turned to look at Nicholas who was making whimpering sounds.

"Are you okay?" I found myself asking.

"He's still in pain from yesterday," Mia answered for Nicholas since he was too busy whimpering.

"How did he even get out of bed then?" I asked as I took a peek at the maidens who just walked in with our breakfast.

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