Death of me

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Skylar's Pov :

"I don't understand why we have to wake up at 7:00 o'clock everyday, it's prosperous. How I dislike following rules that control my every move." I said as I laid my head against the window of the passenger door.

"Calm down princess, it not everyday it's just 5 times a week, plus you always wake up early back home." Alex said as she continued to drink.

"Yes well, time feels longer in heaven and at least I still have some what control of my life but Alex, why are we going to school so early?" I said as I looked at the watch Alex give me.

Looking at me out of the corner of her eye, she responded.

"We're going to meet another one of my friends." She said.

"Interesting. Will they be attaching our school as well."

"No, all the friend you are going to meet won't be attaching school. They have other things to attach to but have agreed to help me out with you." She said.

Alex pulled into the school parking lot and started to look for a space. After spotting one, she pulled into it and shortly after, she turned off the engine.

"Alex if I may ask, why do I have to meet with your friends?"

Turning to look at me, she opened her mouth to speak.

"Every person you are going to meet is a sin. Humans have what we call emotion and sure, everyone has it but you haven't been expose to many of them. For example, you didn't know what lust was until we showed you. Humans don't have to be shown what lust is, they know it, like if it was implant in them." Alex explained.

Nodding my head, I continued asking my questions.

"Sins, there are 7 of them right?" I said.

Nodding her head, she kept quiet.

"And we address them as the 7 deadly sins right?"

"Yes, that would be the appropriate name." She answered.

"Can you tell me what they are?" I asked.

Scratching the back of her neck, she responded.

"Eh well ok, there is Amber who is Lust, Gabe who is Greed, Jackie is Envy, Brandon is pride, Ruby is sloth, David is Gluttony and anger."

"Who is anger?" I asked, confused that Alex didn't name them.

Before anything else was said, someone tapped on the window of the car, causing me to jump.

Alex slowly turned around before opening her door and telling me that I could get out.

Stepping out of the car, I quickly looked at the person who tapped on the window.

Their appearance was rather stunning.

They had black hair with a hint of orange hairlights and sharp green eyes with a hint of orange.They had a jawline and over all they were amazingly handsome.

Looking at him, I had a flash back of how he used to look like. He looked the same except, back then he had green highlights and a hint of yellow in his eyes.

"Sky, this is David."

Immediately I smiled at David and he smiled back.

"Hey Sky, nice to see you again."

"Again?" I asked.

Chuckling he just moved his bangs out of his eyes and simply shook his head as if it was an inside joke.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Faded Stars (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now