Playing Creepy

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Edited by: shapeshiftinggoddess

Skylar's POV:

"I'm telling you, the look on that demon when I nailed him was priceless, he was so convinced that I was one of them." Nicholas said as he acted out the attack. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at him and laugh at how silly he looked jumping around and taking swings in the air.

Nicholas was the closest angel to becoming a guardian angel under the wing of Ben with his level being at 23 and since he was so close to owning the title Ben would give him a certain task to complete down on Earth. Most of the tasks were dealing with demons that were the same and if not weaker then Nicholas so almost every week he had a new story to tell us. It had been about a week since the game, angels versus demons where Alex came to watch us compete and I found myself forgiving Nicholas. He was a nice guy but at times he just got out of control.

We were currently at the field talking and hanging out since practice had ended about 20 minutes ago. Among Nicholas and I, there was also Mia who for the past week seemed inseparable from Nicholas. It usually brought me to the conclusion that Mia liked Nicholas but when I would take a look at him, I couldn't tell why. Sure he was kind of funny and pretty strong but he looked like any ordinary person with his light brown hair. The only thing that made him stand out was his brown eyes and that alone never sat well with me.

"Your brown eyes can convince anyone that you are a demon." I commented.

"Hey, I am quite offended; I only wish to serve my queen to the best of my abilities." Nicholas said as he placed one of his hands on his chest.

"Judge a book by its cover and you'll never get to understand its content." Mia said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Tell me princess, have you ever seen the queen in action? I mean it must be cool living in the palace with her." Nicholas said as he stared at me, a wicked smirk on his face.

It was now my turn to shrug my shoulders.

"Not really, she usually takes cares of business by herself, I never really intrude."

"Oh but come on, you are her other half, surely she must need you for some reason, probably to make sure she doesn't over kill anyone with her power." Nicholas responded.

"Nic I don't think that's appropriate to ask the princess." Mia said with a stern look.

"I merely asked a question, if it made the princess uncomfortable she wouldn't have answered. All is forgiven when asked for forgiveness right?" Nicholas said as he chuckled while throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"Forgiven but forgotten are two different things." I told Nicholas which caused him to let my shoulder go.

"All in good fun though, I never meant to ask with bad intentions." Nicholas said as he threw his head back and stared at the sky.

"Well fun is fun until time is up, I have to go, I don't want to be late for dinner, Alex would kill me." I responded as I noticed it was getting dark.

"You mean Alexandra?" Mia asked.

"I don't use her full name; it's too formal for me."

Nodding her head, she then looked at Nicholas who was still staring at me.

"It must be great to eat with the queen. She seems like a great person." Nicholas said with a monotone voice.

"She really is."

"Too bad I ruined my reputation with her after I let my anger control me. I bet she doesn't even want me near you." Nicholas said with a sad smile.

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