Restless Thoughts

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Skylar's Pov:

"Someone got their ass kicked." Lucas said as he chuckled while looking at me.

Rolling my eyes, I responded to him.

"For your information I actually won for a change." I said before taking a sit on the sofa next to him.

"No way." Lucas said as he looked at me.

"Way." I responded.

Turning his head to look at Alex, he spoke up.

"There's no way she's telling the truth."

Shrugging her shoulders, Alex walked over to us before responding.

"She won the event but trust me, I'm as surprise as you are."

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I looked between the two of them.

It wasn't until than that I noticed that Taylor wasn't with Lucas. Probably wanted to have some time away from him for a bit.

"Well can you blame me? After Nicholas shot you, I thought your suit was going to sound when you hit the floor. How did your suit manage to survive that impact?" Alex asked as she stared at me.

It was my turn to shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, I was still so angry that all I thought about was getting revenge for Garnet. I didn't even hit the floor and if I did, I didn't feel it. All I know is that as soon as I got on the ground, I decided to trick Nicholas and killed that demon so he'll think the suit that sounded was mine."

Slowly nodding her head, Alex got closer to me.

"Come here, I wanna see this for myself." Alex said as she motion for me to get closer.

"Oh no no no, you're not about to enter my mind, last time you did that I got a huge headache afterwards." I said as I leaned away from her.

"Skylar just come here, I'm curious as to how you did that." Alex said with a stern voice.

Sighing, I just did as I was told.

Leaning into her touch, I was soon reliving the memory of the fight I had with Nicholas, however, this time I paid attention to what I did.

As I paid attention to the details, I watched as I was inches from the floor and than I wasn't. I was just laying down on the ground.

"Weird..." I thought as the memory slowly faded and Alex's face slowly came into view.

"You're something else..." Alex mumbled.

"What?" I asked as I looked at her.

Shaking her head, she just turned away from me and Lucas.

"Come, follow me, both of you." Alex said.

I was quick to whine since I had a long day but one look from Alex made me stop.

Lucas of course followed Alex without saying anything.

"Push over..." I thought.

Following Alex, we ended up going to the stairs and going all the way to the fourth floor. Being on the fourth floor was new to me since only Alex was allowed up here so I made sure not to get lost.

There were several doors and hallways which led to other rooms but I of course didn't know what the rooms hid inside them.

"We're almost there." Alex said, grabbing my attention.

I continued to walk down the long hallway we were at until we came into what I assumed was the living room of the floor.

There seemed to be a balcony that led to an outside patio which seemed to be Alex's destination.

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