First Day

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This chapter I'm dedicating to Bearlicious (Hopefully I spelt that right) p.s I'm actually dying to read your story "Miss bookworm"

Anywhose on with the story XD (Also sorry for the mistakes didn't real edit it that much)

Skylar's Pov*

"Don't worry mother, I'll be fine." I said as I kissed my mother cheeks.

"Oh I know you will be, it's just Earth is very different than here." My mother said as she hugged me one last time. After she released me, my father give me a hug too.

It had been about 2 weeks after I told Alex about my powers and the day after that she told my parents that I will be attending school soon.

However, I didn't think that soon meant in two weeks but I neither question it or opposed it.

There was a conditional though. Alex will be attending the same school as me since she still didn't think I was ready to face the world alone. Again, I didn't mind.

"Our little Skylar is growing up so fast." I heard Lucas say as he enter the room we were in. Taylor wasn't with him at the moment. That was something rare.

"Where is Taylor?" I asked.

"He went to get something, he will be here soon." Lucas said as he smiled at me.

I was about to respond when the sound of someone clearing their throat stopped me.

Turning our heads we saw Alex leaning against the door frame. I ended up staring at her since she wasn't in the clothes she usually wore. Instead of her elegant and sophisticated clothes, she was wearing some ripped jeans which were fairly tight on her. She was wearing a tank top with a jean jacket and for shoes, she was wearing some type of sneakers.

This was a rather strange look that I've never seen before on anyone.

"Are you ready?" Alex asked.

Still staring, I nodded my head.

"Great, but first, Lucas I need your help." Alex said turning to look at him.

"What might you need?" Lucas asked.

"I need you to make me look like the way I was 18 years ago." Alex said.

I watched as Lucas slowly nodded his head and appeared Alex. He ended up blocking my view of Alex not allowing me to see what was happening.

My parents and I stood in silence watching and waiting for Lucas to finish.

After about a couple of minutes he stepped back and finally allowed me to see Alex.

My jaw instantly dropped.

The once elegant queen that stood in front of us is now a totally different person. I couldn't help but to stare.

Her once black hair with a few purple highlights, now had a bunch more, especially on the tips of her hair. Her hair had a few curls on the side and part of her bangs. Her once dull color eyes now appear to be a brighter blueish purple color. She also had a light tan. The only thing that seem to be the same was her height at around 5'8 or 5'9 now.

"Wow." I whispered to myself.

Smirking at me, Alex slowly approached me, however, before she could speak Taylor came running into the room.

"Oh thank god! I thought you already left." Taylor said as he tried to catch his breath.

Chuckling, I took my eyes of Alex and looked at him.

"Why hello Tay." I said smiling.

"Here." Taylor said extending his hands.

Looking at his hand, I saw a small box.

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