Part 11

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The guards were taking me back as I asked them if I could use the bathroom.
As I entered the bathroom and some guard blocked the entrance I closed myself into a bathroom stall.
After quite some time someone opened the main exit's door and closed themself into a bathroom stall just like I did.
'Leo?', the someone whispered.
'Is it you?', Adams added.
I didn't reply because I got annoyed.
'It's you, good', he continued.
'No shit, Sherlock', I said trying to manage the way I acted.
'You've got quite an attitude', he said, 'Just like your father', he added.
'You knew him?'
'Of course I did. Else I wouldn't be here helping YOU,would I my dear?'
'Well, first of all don't you dare call me "my dear" ever again and second of all how am I supposed to know you and my dad already have met?'
'You're probably right, sweetheart'
'Uh', I replied even more annoyed.
I could've sworn that he grinned.
'So what's your plan, Sherlock?', I asked.
'Tomorrow at lunch time. You gonna ask if you could use the bathroom again. On the way there, I'll intervene and tell the soldiers that I had to ask you some more questions. That's when we'll escape', he answered.
'One question', I said, 'About the main exit doors', I added.
'How do we open them?'
'Does it matter? We'll exit from the back'
'Just asking'
'So?', I continued as he didn't reply.
'You need one key. In the main control room you have to use it and ALL the doors will open'
'Oh okay. Thanks by the way'
'You've got to go now'
As we exited our stalls I hugged him.
'Thank you for everything', I said and he didn't even notice that I had taken his keys.
We exited the bathroom and the peacekeepers exhorted me to my room.
Justin was sitting on the bed's edge.
His leg was shaking.
When the lock opened he stood up even faster than I excepted.
As he hugged me he whispered into my ear: 'why did it take so long I was worried sick'
'I know how we'll escape', I replied.
We both sat on the bed and I told him about the plan.
I showed him the keys while talking.
'What are these for if we're gonna get outta here anyways?', he said.
'Just in case', I replied and tried to figure out which key was the right one.
That night we slept next to each other since Justin was having nightmares.
Little that he know, that he was keeping me awake.
He hugged me tight without him knowing.
Our noses were almost touching and I could feel his breath on my skin.
My skin was tingling.
'Everything was going to be just fine', I whispered and he moaned as in agreement.
I didn't close an eye that night.
The next day came. I was very sleepy and Justin was sleeping peacefully in my lap.
I was playing with his hair, when he woke up and stared into my eyes.
His eyes were beautiful and shiny. We just stood there lost in our thoughts just staring in each other's eyes.
'This is the best moment of our little journey in this prison', he said and I smirked.
He stood up and again our noses touched.
I felt his breath on my skin just like I did the night before.
We laid down him on top of me our noses never stopping to touch.
'If earlier was your favourite moment what about this?', he said and almost kissed me, but a soldier interrupted us.
Justin literally jumped off me.
The soldier cleared his throat acknowledging what had just happened.
'Erm...lunchtime', they took us with them.
'I've got to go to the toilet', I said.
'Me too', Justin continued.
'You, go. You, wait', one of the guards replied pointing first at me and then at Justin.
I almost panicked, because our plan was about to screw up. My hands were shaking. I was sweating like hell and couldn't think straight.
He hugged me and I put the keys into his pant pocket just in case he would need it.
I was turning around when he said my name.
He grabbed me held my face with his hands and kissed me. You know that feeling you feel when you are worried and then something happens and you feel more than just relieved. Yeah that happened.
I felt his hands' warmth. His breath on my skin.
The soldiers took us apart and one time again I saw his energetic and shiny but beautiful eyes.
He smiled and I felt all warm and cozy inside.
He didn't say anything but with his lips he formed the words "see you soon". I wanted to scream "I love you" so badly but my throat was dry and I couldn't get any sound out of me.
Little did I know, that this was the last time I would feel the warmth of his hands, his breath on my skin.
The last time I would see his brown eyes that reminded me of the summer and the beach.
Little did I know, that this was the last time I would see the only person that actually cared about me.
The last time I would see the first person I really loved. Little did I know, that this was the last chance to confess him the feelings I felt for him, but I screwed up. As I always did.

Hey, it's me again. I know, I know, it took me long but now that the lockdown arrived to Germany and the homeschooling began I was kinda busy even though I my teachers gave me less homework.
I hope you liked this chapter, I would really appreciate some feedback in the comments or just a quick note about what you think about this story. I WOULD LOVE SOME TIPS OR SOME IDEAS FROM YOU CAUSE I REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE NEXT SO PLSSSSSSSS TEXT SOME IDEAS IN THE COMMENTS THANKS!!!
Since it might confuse you, yes Leo isn't straight, he's bisexual but doesn't have a preference.
Happy weekend and have a nice Christmas cause I won't XD
That's all for now!See you soon :D

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