Part 6

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'My name is Addison by the way', the doctor said while we were walking around.
We arrived to a 7-eleven long the highway.
We broke through the door in the back.
Addison gave me and Blake a backpack.
'Take whatever you find. We'll walk along the lake and stay at the beach for night. Tomorrow we'll walk way north and come to a motel. We'll be staying there for a couple of days. Me need food and every kind of useful stuff so hurry up. Patrols will search for us in the area. We have to take a low profile but don't let down your guard. We're not at the save haven yet', she said and walked to the cashbox with a hammer.

Some things smelled bad cause they probably were expired.
I took some things from the few shelves.
Everywhere was dust and some metallic things were bit rusty.
Wow. This place must've been abandoned for years.
For how long was I out of town?
It seemed so short.
Probably this shop was abandoned before the experiment's preparations.
'Let's go! You want to arrive at the lake before it gets dark for sure!Hurry up guys!', Addison said and left.
I left right after her.

We walked for so long I forgot about time.
I didn't see many wild animals but that must've been a good sign.
'Take some pieces of wood with you. We gonna find few rocks at the beach and build a campfire', Blake said and I did as he said.
It got dark and I took one of few flashlights out of the backpack.
I found a lighter, some flashlights, food, water and a newspaper.
I took the newspaper and read.
The date was 2, August, 2268. The date when all began.
That made me wonder.
If the food is already expired and the shop got rusty even if the newspaper said the 2nd of August and the second of August was the day when I got to the safe haven this couldn't actually make sense.
How much time passed since I got in "coma"?

I tried to stop worrying about that.
Then I realised Blake was calling out for me .
'Leo?! Everything ok?', he yelled from far away.
'Yeah, sorry. Got distracted. I'm coming!', I screamed back.
While running towards the rest of the group I saw something moving in a bush.
I tried not to think that much about it and continued walking.
Perhaps it was a rabbit or something like that.
But what if I was wrong? What if there was someone hunting us?
Well the foolish couldn't tell.

We arrived to the lake pretty late.
I helped Blake out building the campfire.
'Blake? Can I ask you a question?', I said and looked out around for Addison because I didn't want her to hear us.
Blake was carving a some Speers out of left overs of the pieces of wood.
'Sure buddy. What's on your mind?', he replied stopping for a second looking me in the eyes trying to find out what was going on in my mind on his own.
'We're you in kind of a come too?'
'I dunno. Maybe? Probably? These were freaks. Why are you asking?'
'I was in this "coma" but can't tell for how long. I saw something strange today and figured something out', I said.
In exact this moment Addison came back.
I muted myself immediately.
With my hands I made the "later-sign"
'Hey you, strangers. What are you talking about?', Addison asked looking suspicious at us.
'Nothing special. Just men-things', Blake said before I could've said anything do defend ourselves.

We ate and then went sleeping.
I couldn't sleep. I walked a bit through the forest.
When I came back I saw someone looking through our food backpacks. I sneaked to Blake's place and took a wood spear.
I pointed it at her.
The someone  realised it and turned around.
It was a little girl. Maybe 6-7?
Long dark brown hair. I couldn't see her eyes.
I threw the spear away and walked slowly to this girl.
She took a step back.
'Don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something. We have enough  food. You won't have to steal anymore', I said trying to calm her down.
She smiled and nodded.
I sat next to her.
She ate a bit happily.
'What's your name?', I asked.
'Bianca Willsworth', she said still looking at her food.
'I'm Leo. Are you alone?'
'Yes. My parents sent me to a safe haven. My brother. M-my brother...he is one of them now. His name was George', she said and stopped eating.
She began to cry.
I hugged her tightly.
She was cold.
I gave her one of our blankets.
After a bit, when she stopped crying, I asked: 'Who are they?'
'T-the Seekers'
'Oh. I'm sorry. You know what I'll be your brother now. Do you wanna stay with us?'
'Yes!', she said hastily and smiled.
'Com'on. Let's go get some rest. You can sleep next to me if you want'.
I laid back and drifted away.

Next morning I woke up.
There was Blake pointing another spear at Bianca.
I ran to Bianca.
'Hey! Blake. She's a friend now. She's ok. We'll take her with us', I said and stood before Bianca.
'Yeah! Leo's my brother now!', Bianca said and smiled proudly.
Blake looked at my still pointing with spear. I noodles and he put the spear away.
I turned around to look in Bianca's eyes.
'Don't be afraid of Blake. He's like a big grumpy bear. But when you know him, you know that he's a good friendly daddy bear. He can be your daddy if you want him too', I said and she smiled again.
Her smile was full of happiness and made me smile too.
'Let's go grab some food', I said and she took my hand.

Addison met Bianca and then we all ate together.
'Bianca, do you wanna go see some wild animals? I have to speak with the doc now, ok?', I asked her.
She smiled again and nodded.
Blake and Bianca went to the woods.
'You wanted to talk?', Addison said and grinned.
'Yeah. How long was I in coma?', I asked her without thinking about the consequences.
'Leo, that's a topic for another time. Let's just pack our things and continue walking. We have to reach the motel until lunchtime. Then they'll patrol the area', she said and didn't look into my eyes anymore.

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