Part 8

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Bianca insisted on sleeping next to me and I agreed.
She was still shocked but I wasn't too concerned when she slept and breathed slowly and calmly.
I felt bad for her.
She shouldn't have seen this.
After we arrived Allison and Blake took the boy to the bathroom and laid him down in the bathtub.
They had the needed resources from the mall.
I still couldn't believe I killed someone.
The feeling is like a train on full speed investing you.
You can barely breathe and you tremble on your whole body.
It's like going through puberty again I guess if you look at it that way.
I couldn't let them take Bianca.
She went through so much.
I hugged her tight. She blabbered something in her sleep like 'please don't leave'.
She had a nightmare.
I couldn't sleep so I stood up and went to the bathroom.
I switched the lights on and watched in the mirror to reassure myself I didn't go crazy. A beard was growing like hell on my face and the beard was beginning to be a problem too. What the hell happened at the hospital.
Then I noticed the boy leaning against the door.
He was a bit smaller than me.
We actually seemed alike.
He had brown eyes and dark hair.
He had a scar on his lip.
His shirt still was covered in blood.
'We have clean clothes, you know?', I said glancing at him.
He smiled and took off his shirt.
He tossed it to me and took a new shirt from his bag.
'I do too', he answered.
The time he took off his shirt I saw his scars.
He was covered in them.
How did this happen?
What did they do to him ?
He had abs like hell and trained muscles.
He saw me staring at his scars so he took a hoodie and put it on.
'Sorry', I whispered and sat next to him on the bathtub.
I was lost in my thoughts when he asked me why I saved him.
First I laughed but when I realised he meant it I got serious again.
'I couldn't leave you there. You would've died and yesterday died too many people. And you are so young so I couldn't let it happen', I said and he looked me in the eyes.
'Thank you', he said after some time.
'Why did you join them? And what happened to you? Where are the scars from?', I said and realised how dumb I acted.
'Sorry, you don't have to talk about it. I should've thought before asking'.
He looked at me and smiled.
'My family was in debt with them. So my dad sold me out'.
'Oh', I answered quietly.
'Well now you have us', I said and he smiled again.
'Feel free to go but trust me Bianca won't let you go', I said after him considering his bag.
'Is Bianca the little girl?'
'Yes, she loves making new friends and after a bit she won't let you out of sight. She got through so much. She had to kill your boss. Either way he would've killed me. I'm glad she didn't take it that bad. I hope that didn't cause a trauma or something'.
He went quiet.
'I mean I wouldn't like you leaving us either but it's up to you to decide', I said after a long time of silence.
'I won't go if you'll have me', he said.
'It would be our pleasure to have you. Bianca would need another brother'.
'That's what she began calling me like', I added and he understood.
I stood up but then he cupped my face with his hands and kissed me.
'My name is Justin by the way'
I kissed him back and then pushed him away. I ran outside to the balcony and waited there.
What did I do?
I felt strangely. But I didn't think it was a mistake but still I could've made him false hopes. That was actually the first time I kissed and I still felt his lips on mine.
I felt his warmth and the energy floating through me I felt when we kissed.
I couldn't deny it but liked it.
Did he liked it too?
Never mind I said to myself and thought about something else.
I stood on the balcony very long and stared at the forest in front of me.
I remembered how I used to go camping with my dad. We would go fishing. And every night we stood at the fireplace eating marshmallows.
I missed those times.
Justin came out of our little motel room. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.
He lighted up to and passed me one.
I took it. It was the first time I've ever smoked but it was worth it.
Do you know this things you shouldn't do but after you've done it you feel better?
Well, that was one of these moments.
I didn't know what to say.
Should I tell him I enjoyed our kiss?
No, probably not. I would make him false hopes.
Wait, was I the one beginning to have false hopes?
Just stop thinking to much about it Leo, alright?
'I-', he said, 'I think it was a mistake'.
I felt relieve and disappointment at the same time.
'Yeah, you're right', I answered dryly trying to act not surprised since he was the one kissing me. Or was I the one kissing him?
We smoked our cigarettes in silence.
Then they came.
Big big trucks full of soldiers and peace keepers what they used to call themselves came.
They pointed guns at us.
Luckily Blake, Allison and Bianca didn't came out.
When they took us with them I thanked god that they didn't take Bianca too.
She was safe, wasn't she?

Hey, my name is Leo if you haven't noticed yet.
Funny right? The protagonist of this story has the same name. Yeah, sorry for that I'm just very bad with names yanno?
So, first I wanted to thank y'all for reading this story at first place.
The idea of writing such a story came when I was talking with a friend about how the future might look and then we talked about problems which could come with the time.
And that way we came up with this idea.
So, second of all I want to thank Sofia too.
She helped me with the story so yeah thank you, Sofia.
Well, stay tuned for the next chapters!!!
And please don't mind if it takes time for me to write them. I'm going to school myself and it's getting kinda busy, so I don't have much time writing. BUT long story short I will definitely continue writing it's just that I have sooooo many ideas most of the time and I think about how to put them in chapters and stuff and that takes kinda a lot of time too lol. Whatever.

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