Part 7

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It was pretty awkward and I felt pretty uncomfortable waiting for Bianca and Blake.
Do you know these moments where you just wanna disappear into the ground because you just don't want to face your "problems".
Yeah I was in this kind of condition.
I don't wish you to feel like this.
We packed our things and waited and waited and waited for Blake and Bianca to come back.

When they finally came we began to walk through the woods.
Addison led us.
Everywhere animals. This was different from the day before.
Nobody said a word.
Then Bianca came and took my hand.
I looked at her and she smiled.
We walked like for hours.
It was pretty boring and I just wanted to disappear into the ground again.

When we arrived we broke into a room we chose.
'Ok, you go to the grocery stop near here and go get some food. There should be no patrols until approximately 2 pm', Addison said to me and Blake.
'I'll stay here with Bianca go to the mall and choose some nice dresses. Should we?', Addison continued and asked Bianca.
Bianca just smiled.
Blake and I went to the grocery shop.
It was like 2 km away.
We didn't speak much. Then I stopped the deadly silence.
'Hey, Blake? Did Addison tell you something strange about the time we stayed at the hospital? I mean something like how much we stayed there? For how long?'
'No, why you asking?', he answered, stopped for a second and looked suspiciously at me.
We arrived and broke through the toilet window.
It was so small Blake couldn't come in.
We were afraid that the alarm would go off so we decided that I would go through the toilet's door and would let him in through the back's door.

I got through and went to the back.
It was dark and I didn't take my flashlight with me.
Someone was watching me.
I felt like I had a target on my back.
This was one of these bigger shops which sold weapons like arrows and bows and stuff like that too.
I sprinted to this side of the store and took a big knife.
Someone ran towards me.
I turned around blocked the knife attacking me and hit the person with my fist.
Then I hit him/her in the stomach. The person collapsed.
I ran to the back's door and opened it.
'What the hell happened?!', Blake answered.
'There were people attacking me!', he continued.
'There was a person with me in there too', I answered.
'Let's get the hell out of here after we get the goodies', he said and closed the door behind him.
He went to the cashbox.
The lights went on.
'I found the electric box!', he yelled from the back.
I went to the weapon section and took a bow and some arrows with me.
'Hey! Here are some weapons. Take some with you!', I said while taking a sharp hunting knife.
I put food into my backpack and then we went back.
We arrived and nor Bianca or Addison were there.
'They probably at the mall. Let's go there', Blake said reading a note.

We went there and found them trying some shoes on.
'Hey! You made it! Good for you!', Addison greeted us.
'Take some clothes and then lets get our asses out of here. This place gives me chills', Addison continued.
I went looking forward some pants and underwear and a bathroom to change.
When I returned they weren't there.
I still had my huntknife, bow and arrows with me.
It felt like I had to use the goodies very soonX
Obviously no answer.
I got cold out of nowhere.
The lights were still out.
Then the lights went on.

I got scared as I saw Bianca, Blake and Addison tied up on the floor.
Behind them three men pointing guns at my friends's heads.
Before them a man with a big scar all over his face.
He smiled and revealed big yellow teeth.
'You finally arrived', he said and turned around to face my friends, 'Enjoy the show until it's worth it'.
'So. Let's let the game begin. Leo, my fellow pal, we'll be all celebrating later. With or without you. Your only chance to save your friends is to kill me and my Handlangers. Kill us and you'll be free', he said watching me and smiling.
As he saw my desperation coming up he began laughing.
'Ok. To make it easier we won't use our guns, but you'll have a time limit. Any questions?'
'Who are you?'
'We're the today's mafia and the military paid us more than enough to bring them your head. But we're not that scrupulous or cruel. We want to be amused. Let the show begin!'

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