Part 1

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Hi, I'm Leo. Leo Cleveland.
This story is about the world's end. That's the story of my life.
Sit back take some popcorn it'll become interesting.
You're probably asking yourself what could even cause the world's end.
Well the answer is pretty simple.
The fucked up system of course.
The government and everything they made up to "protect us".
First of all whatever the government or the mighty people say consider that it's all a lie.
You have to trust your instincts in times like these.
I never had many friends. But I was totally fine with that.
The people felt bad for me because of my parents.
My parents were part of the system and actually tried to find a solution.
Their CEOs didn't like it that much and my parents got fired because of conspiracy and trait.
They were the traitors.
Everyone gossiped about us.
I have no siblings and never had one.
I'm the kind of guy who prefers to be alone.
I wasn't that famous before the crisis.
Yep I said crisis.
The world was overpopulated.
There were plagues, diseases, catastrophic events...
My parents were the only one who said the truth about them.
They were caused my the messed up system.
Nobody really ver believed them but me.
I went to the last class of the middle school of NYC.
It was the year 2268 when it all began.
There were soldiers at every corner. Everywhere security cameras.
We were kind of trapped. That sucks pretty bad, doesn't it .
Then one Friday evening the soldiers erupted the citizens's apartments and took them with them into their big big buses and cars. There were thousands of them.
I was in my bedroom.
We heard shouting.
I ran to my parents.
My dad had a gun.
'Stay close, Leo.', my dad said.
We waited in the living room.
We waited and waited and waited. Then we heard someone shooting.
I was terrified.
Then they arrived at our apartment.
They kicked the door. My dad went before me. My mom right next to me.
'Run!', he screamed.
I ran for my life to the fire escape. I heard my mom screaming. Then shooting. Then another scream.
I stopped abruptly. I felt like I couldn't breathe.
I ran.
When I finally arrived to the ground.
A soldier ran into me.
He grabbed my arms.
I couldn't see his face through the helmet but I noticed a scar on his throat.
'What are you doing here?! Where are your parents?', he asked.
'I-i I dunno. I think someone shot my parents. I-i cant. I don't know what's happening.'
He took of the helmet.
He had blond hair, blue eyes and a scar right through his face.
He had a warm smile on his face but it was fake. I know people pretty well. You get to know humans when you watch them at break while you're sitting alone on a bench eating your meal .
He took me beside. We went in one of the small streets where nobody goes except for taking the trash to the trash pins .
'You have to escape. I have a car some blocks away here. We go there now and you have to promise not to ask questions until we're out of the control zones.'
I nodded but I couldn't resist to ask.
A drone flew above our heads and stared at us.
'Act like im taking you with me against my will, ok?', he whispered.
He grabbed my arms. We walked out of the street and on the main street of these blocks.
Everywhere were cars and busses.
The soldier took me with him a few blocks away when we reached a small old car.
'That's yours?', I asked.
He kicked the car a few times, the door fell open, said: 'Now it is', and waved his hand for me to enter.
I entered the car on the backseat side. I didn't trust the soldier fully yet .
He hit the car a few times and then the motor started.
We drove through the streets of New York City.
After a bit we were on the high way.
It didn't take long when when he finally broke the deadly silence between us.
'Hey, you, in a bit you have to hide under the seat. We'll have to surpass the controls. By the way I'm sorry for y-your parents you know. I'm orphan since I was 5. They got killed by gang members.'
'I'm sorry for your loss. What's your name?', I answered.
'Jake Anderson, you?'
'My name is Leo Cleveland'
'Leo Cleveland?! The son of Marie Claire and Alex Cleveland? You and your family are kind of celebrities in the rebels. Well were. You're lucky to be their child now that we're going out of the control zone.'
'I wouldn't be sure about that. But I'll drop it right now. There are soldiers with guns right ahead.'
'Hide and don't say any word.'
I hided under the backseat.
I calmed my breathe because I didn't want to be seen by these bad guys with machine guns.
We slowed down.
'Who are you?', one of the soldiers asked.
'Jake Anderson. Control patrol 6. Commandant Peterson ordered me to inform Jacky.'
'Mh-h', the soldier answered and tried to take a look into the car.
Jake blocked the view.
'Any passengers?', the scary soldier asked again.
'No, of course', Jake lied and laughed hastily.
'We have to check the car before you can leave'
'Is that necessary?'
'That's the protocol and you know it, Jake Anderson?'
'Yeah of course I do I just wanted to make sure y'all know it too'
He exited the car.
The soldier almost opened the backseat door when someone shouted. Then shooting.
'Bandits!', the soldier from before screamed.
'Enter the car, drive safely!', he said.
Jake entered and went off with full speed.
I didn't come out of my hiding spot until I was sure it was safe.
'What was that?!', I asked.
Jake didn't answer at first then said: 'That was the border of the control zone. I'll explain later. First we have to arrive at the safe haven. Until then sleep because it'll take its time.'
Immediately I fell asleep and drifted away from my consciousness and dreamed about my parents.

Is this the end?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara