Part 5

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I didn't dream. That made me worry.
I couldn't see anything but endless black .
Was that the end?
Did I die?
(Obviously not, but back then I didn't know it).
Did Maia and David make it?
Were they safe?
Did they get to the save haven?
To Portland?

Where was I? Probably somewhere in my mind.
I couldn't hear anything but I heard voices.
' Give him other 55 mill. The serum has to work'.
'In half an hour give him another doses', the same voice said.
It was a matter of time until I would wake up again.
I didn't know how long I was trapped in there.
You don't have a feeling of time when you're surrounded by endless dark black.

Finally I woke up.
I hastily took a deep breath.
I was in kind of a hospital room.
I wanted to move. To stand up and face my "kidnappers", but I couldn't.
I was tied on my bed like you do with psychos.
'Hey! You! Get me out of here! I have to pee!', I said.
The nurse ignored me like I wasn't worth her attention.
'Hey! Get. Me. Out. Of. Here. NOW!', I said again.
Again she just ignored me and exited the room.
I tried to free me myself.

After like ten minutes of tempting and failing a doctor came into the room.
'How are we doing today, Leo?', the doctor said.
She had long blond hair. Green eyes. Tall.
'I don't know. How would you feel when someone tied you on your own bed with one of these psycho suits?How would you feel if someone just tasered you and then kind of kidnapped you? Huh? Sucks pretty bad right?', I replied sarcastically.
She laughed.
'We just want to take a look on you. You are special, Leo Cleveland', she said trying to sound convincing.
'Huh?', I asked.
'Your mind. Your brain is like a memory stick. Like a memory card. Usually people forget 70% of what they do. You don't. It can be a gift and a curse.
You can elaborate informations faster than a normal human can. You are one of the smartest persons ever!'
'Yeah right, April fools. Funny', I replied.
'I'm serious. I'm not allowed to tell you more. Just meet me in the laundry room', she whispered.

Later that day other nurses came to my room and fed me like an animal. I was still tied up.
Then approximately 20 doctors cane into my room with enough security do be an army. They freed me and carried me into another room.
They did some tests with me.
There were memory cards on the table . They showed me some. Then turned them back face down.
I had to guess which card was which animal.
The doctors just noted some things on sheets of paper.
Then asked me some questions.
After the questioning they gave me some sheets of paper.
It was about some death rates caused because of the project Hide and Seek and the development after that.
They told me to read it.
It didn't take that long. Then the doctors asked me to tell them about the text. They told me to tell them how high the death rates were and so on.
'I have to go to the bathroom', I said.
'Hey you! Take the child with you to the bathroom', one of the doctors told one of the security men.

He grabbed me by the arm and took me to the bathroom.
'Ehem. I can't pee with this psycho suit on', I said convincingly.
He came towards me and sat me down on the toilet.
'What about some privacy?', I asked angrily.
'Can't effort any. Protocol', he said.
'You have to be kidding right?! Yeah well I'm surrounded by morons. What was I expecting?'
'Can I at least have some toilet paper?', I continued.
He gave me some.
'Turn around', I said.
No answer.
'Hey! Sandy?! Phahahahahhahaha. That name sucks. Sorry man. I really am', I said reading his name card and making fun of his name.
He turned around.
I stood up and hit him on the head with my fist. He fell down.

I ran out of the room and searched for a map of the hospital.
After a bit I found one. The laundry room was in the lower floors.
I ran down the stairs.
I was at the last floor before the laundry floor one when security men saw me.
They came from the exit and the stairs which would've led me to the laundry room.
I had to run to the other side. To the other stairs.
I ran by some rooms with old people.
'Hey, you! Little boy with the psycho suit thingy, STOP!', one of them shouted.
'I'm fifteen, dumbass!', I yelled back.
I ran down the stairs towards the laundry room.
I hid in it and locked the door.

There was the woman from before.
'Hurry, change! We have to escape. I have a car here.
We have to hurry', she said giving me new clothes.
'We have to take my friend with us', I told her.
'Ok I'm gonna take him. Go to the car. It's a grey van. The key is in it. The doors are unlocked. Wait there for us. We'll meet you there soon', she said exiting the room. Looking at both sides searching for security men.
I tanto the underground level. The garage.
I hid in the van and waited.
Then I heard screaming and shooting.
My new friend and Blake ran through the door.
'Leo start the motor!', Blake screamed.
There were security men chasing them.
Blake had hospital clothes on.
I started the motor and sat on the drivers seat.
They entered the car.
'Hey! Stop! You're violating the law!', one of the security men yelled.
I drove out of the garage with full speed.
Don't ask how we made it. I've never driven a car before that time.
When I finally saw sunlight again I was surrounded by high buildings.
Time's square.
I drove through large abandoned streets.
It was pretty strange because I used to see people everywhere on time's square.
Four cars were behind us.
'Shit', I said between my teeth.
I turned left and right then and there.
I got on the highway.
There were no cars except of some few, scary , empty ones who just layer there.
I headed on full speed to one big bus laying on the side.
A few centimetres from the bus away I immediately turned right and surpassed it.
One car crashed into the bus.
The other cars stopped for a second and then continued chasing us.
We arrived Long Island.
We were surrounded by trees.
The cars were coming nearer.
I did the U thing and two more cars crashed into each other.
I turned to my right into the woods.
Just one car left.
This car was bigger and black.
And way faster than the ones from before.
It took a lot concentration to not crash into the many trees.
We were driving towards a cliff.
I accelerated and so did the car behind us.
'What are you doing?!', Blake yelled.
When we were about to fall from the cliff I turned rapidly to the left so we didn't die.
The other car didn't make it.
When the doctor finally stopped screaming and my heart stopped beating as fast as hell I threw up and Blake punched me at the arm for  scaring the living crap out of them.
I sat down and took a long deep breath.
'What's your name by the way?', I asked the doctor before we all fall in laughter.

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