Part 10

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The next few days pasted as the others did.
We were still stuck in this same cell room killing time.
They brought us food and every half an hour the watchers changed.
So The Day came.
It all went well in the beginning. I ran to the mensa during our free hour while Justin got the lighter.
In the kitchen I found some useful stuff. I put it in two bags in case we got separated.
Then I ran to the main hall. The allarm went on the moment I finished in the kitchen.
Arrived in the main hall I looked out for Justin. But he was nowhere.
I hid under a table and waited for him while other prisoners fought with the guards.
That was the moment everything went wrong.
From the main entrance more and more guards came.
Nobody saw me or at least that was what I thought.
A guard pulled me out of my hiding place.
He held my arms in a painful position.
Where I'm from we call it the piton manoeuvre because as the same says they hold you a way you can't free yourself.
'Let go off me you pervert!', I said, kicked his foot and ran away.
I accedently ran into Justin. I felt relieved.
The sirens were too loud for him to hear me.
'We have to leave from the side doors on the left wing!', I screamed into his ears.
He understood and so we ran.
The guards should be busy enough to stay in the main hall.
As we went down the stairs we noticed that no one else but us was there.
Well I guess we were fortunate.
We almost made it but a  S.W.A.T team came from the side doors and pointed machine guns at us.
Yup, we were screwed.
They put us handcuffs on and led us to our cell.
In less than an hour everything was as always.
We fucked it up.
I hit the wall a few times and regretted it afterwards.
I just gave up sat down leaning at the wall with my back and my hands covering my face.
'We couldn't have known that. It's not your fault. You should worry about it that much. One way or another we gonna get outta here. And what are they going to do? Kill everyone?', Justin said trying to comfort me.
'You're probably right', I answered dryly.
A S.W.A.T soldier opened our cell door.
I was surprised since we already ate.
'We are doing interrogations. We want to know who did all this. They gonna pay for what they did', the woman said.
'You', she said pointing at Justin, 'I'm going to put hand cuffs on you so don't even think about escaping. Just follow me or you are going to regret it very badly', she continued.
It took more than an hour.
If Justin would've done or said something wrong he would've died or worse.
I was waiting for him sitting on a bed and my leg was shaking like hell.
'God, what is taking so long?', I said to myself whispering.
Eventually he returned and it was my turn.
They put handcuffs on and led the way.
We entered a dark room.
In the middle of the room was a table with like this metal thingy were they attach your handcuffs to so you can't just leave.
It was like on the movies.
Two metal chairs and something that's supposed to look like a mirror but in reality it's the way other people who aren't actually in the room watch you.
Usually in that case the surveillance cameras don't work and are just a way to maintain you in the room or scare you. Maybe both.
A male S.W.A.T agent entered the room and sat in front of me.
'Ain't I supposed to have a lawyer or something? I can't afford one and I'm a juvenile so you should be forced to get me one but I guess the S.W.A.T doesn't like orders', I said acting bored just to seem cool with all of it and of course not to look suspicious.
'You did your research, didn't you? Nerd', he answered.
He was maybe in his thirties. Had black long hair and a short black beard.
He was wearing casual clothes so I guessed he was a survivor or CEO or something of that kind.
He had an accurate and sharp look and wore some glasses.
'Well because of your body structure, the way you dress like and the way you scanning me I guess you're a computer nerd yourself and just got a job as a S.W.A.T employee because of your hacking ability and your computer knowledge. Who is the nerd now, Sir, what's your name again?', I replied.
'You've got a point. And it's Adams'.
'Well, since you acting tough and think that you're soooooo smart I guess you know that it's better for you to cooperate too. So what do you say? You talk and I won't ever bother you again?'
'It seems like you don't even know basic interrogation procedures, so I assume you are a newbie. Strange you're already 30 and got a job with medium payment just now? So, I'll repeat it one last time so your little brain gets it too. I won't talk to you another word until I get my lawyer, got that? And by the way, you're bad at lying', I said and as he arched an eyebrow I replied 'you told me you wouldn't bother me again if I talked. Well you were bluffing and pretty bad to be honest. I'll wait here while you get me an adequate lawyer okay sweetheart?'
I wait and waited and waited.
Almost an hour. Then he returned
Of course without a lawyer.
He sat in front of me again and had a small tv with him.
He put it on the table and inserted a dvd.
It showed our interview.
I turned my back to the camera.
'You were sweating, your voice was cracking, your eyes were blinking too fast and your hands were shaking. Ah yeah and I assume you had a high heart pulse. I guess I'm not the only one bluffing.
He tapped my knee with his finger under the table frequently sometimes faster sometimes slower sometimes he paused. It was morse code.
''', it said.
'I'', I replied.
'', he eventually said and left. It went better than I thought I said to myself.

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