Part 4

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'Jake? Jake!', I screamed. I couldn't hear anything. It was like when you're in a plane and your ears are tapped because of the pressure.
While I was running forward to Jake.
The woman tackled me down with her hands around my throat.
Someone shot her in the head. She fell right next to me.
I stood up. I didn't care about the blood on my sweated shirt.
I settled down next to Jake and took his head on my legs.
'Hey, Hey! Look at me! No, no. You're not tired.
Don't you dare die now! I need your help! Someone get a god damn med!', I screamed.
I pressed my hands on his wound on his chest.
He moaned a bit.
'Hey, stay with me. Did you hear me?', I whispered.
'Help is coming', I said.
Some guys came and took him.
'Where are you taking him? I'm coming with him'.
They took him into some kind of room.
'We have no anaesthetic', one of the men said to me.
'You'll have to take his hand. He'll have to bite on a piece of wood', he continued.
I went to Jake who laid on a metallic table.
'Jake, we have no paintaking medicine.
You'll have to take my hand'.
The other men came.
'We have to take the bullet out. Luckily it didn't get to the lungs or the heart. It's stuck between the ribs. It won't take long, but it'll be painful. We have no anaesthetic.'
He'll have to stay still.
We'll tie him up', they told me.
It didn't take long to prepare everything.
I took his hand. He took a piece of wood between his teeth.
I closed my eyes.
When it began Jake squeezed my hand and screamed of full lungs.
I felt pain in my hand.
'Everything is going to be fine. Just call down please', I whispered in his ears.
He stopped screaming for a second.
It didn't take long when he finally stopped screaming and I couldn't hear anything but the meds talking.
My hand was blue.
'It's just fractured. We'll hand you a wound balm out. Be careful with it', they said and bandaged my hand and Jake's chest.
There was much blood, but I didn't mind any of it. I stayed all night in his room holding his hand.
I fell asleep after a bit. When I woke up he laid calmly in his hospital bed.
He was still sleeping.
In the afternoon he woke up hastily.
'Hey, hey. Take it slowly. They took out the bullet. Don't make hasty decisions', I said patting his arm.
The tension from his shoulders vanished.
'You look terrible', he finally said and I punched his arm laughing.
'Ahhhh', he said with a smile from ear to ear on his face, 'what was that for'.
'You're an idiot! You kind of broke my hand! Remember?', I answered.
'Yeah right'
'They didn't want me to stay here, but here I am'
'What for?'
'Thank you for staying by my side'.
I punched him again.
'Ahhhh! I thought we were done with it ?!'
'That was for making me worry about you, you dumbass!'
'Right right', he said.
'I'm gonna get you some food, moron', I said and went to the canteen to take him some food.
Some asked me if Jake was alright.
In the canteen I met Maia and David.
'Hey, life saver!', David said.
Maia punched him in the arm.
'Take. It. Slow', she said.
'Hey, you have to admit that he's kind of a celebrity!', David insisted.
'I won't repeat it again, David Summerfield', Maia said angrier.
'I didn't do anything tho', I answered.
'How is Jake?', they both asked.
'He's fine'
'What happened to your hand?', David asked and took bandaged hand.
'No anaesthetic', I answered.
'I gotta go back now', I continued and went back to the med-room.
'Here, it's still warm. You better hurry'.
He took the plate and ate.
'Did you ever have had a family?', I asked.
'Hm?', he answered.
He swallowed.
'I'm not sure. I had a wife and a little daughter. Her name was/is Rebecca, but we call her Becky', he took a picture from his pant pocket on the chair and gave it to me.
There was Jake with a beautiful woman and a little cute girl. Maybe 6. She smiled but some teeth were missing.
'She's cute', I said finally.
'I bet they are just fine', I said trying to convince him.
'Go get some rest', I told him and left.
From the door next to Jake one's I heard some voices whispering.
I usually don't eavesdrop, but this time different.
'She was a Beta Version of the Seekers. I heard the government sent them to the control zones and the save havens' one of them said. The one who spoke was a woman.
'We aren't safe anymore. We have to escape. The task force will be here soon. We better burn all down. We are the only ones who are current of that.
That has to stays a secret. We don't want chaos to drive people insane. Let just solve one problem at a time', a man said.
'We'll have to check on all the files', another man said.
The document in my pocket felt heavier.
They were exiting when I ran away to my room.
I laid there on my bed reading the file over and over again.
Then I remembered the key.
I took it from my pocket.
I stood up, went out and began to check on the doors if they matched with the key.
It took forever and it never matched.
But I didn't give up and continued.
I went to the west wing to check. Nothing.
Then the south wing.
And then finally the north wing.
When I was about to quit I arrived to a metallic small door.
I opened the locker and it clicked.
I peeked inside. There were hundreds of cars.
'Wow', I said and my jaw dropped.
'Leo?', someone asked. I shut the door closed.
This someone was David.
He didn't notice I opened the door.
Neither that I had a key in my left hand.
'The reunion is about to begin. We better hurry to the main hall', he said with his goblin smile.
'Reunion?', I asked.
'Yep. We are almost late. C'mon!', he said and took my hand beginning to run.
I ran after him. When we arrived everyone was sitting and waiting.
David and I sit next to Maia.
'There you both are', she said smiling at me.
We sit down.
We waited a bit when a man with a rabbit face came.
He had a long sharp chin, small eyes, sharp nose, big ears.
'We wanted you here because we wanted to tell you something important.
While our routine we didn't find one special file.
One special file about the Hide and Seek game.
One special file with a letter? Did someone perhaps find it? No? Well, then we'll have to check on y'all.
Personal check!', he said.
I was nervous.
'Is that necessary?', someone asked.
'Boring', another answered.
I wanted to run away, but I couldn't.
Maia took my hand and watched into my eyes.
'Hey, are you ok? It's nothing you have to worry about. They just check on you. You didn't do anything suspicious right?', she said.
'I was just kidding', she said laughing.
Everyone got checked. One by one.
Then it came to Maia.
Then David and then me.
'Is there something you have to tell before I check on you?'
'No', I said way to fast.
'Ok then. Tell us when you feel uncomfortable. We'll let your friends check on you if you do feel uncomfortable', the guy said.
I nodded.
He began to check on my arms then my legs.
I got tensed and more nervous.
When he was about to check on my pocket something exploded.
Someone screamed.
'The task force!!! They are coming for us! Run! It's not a drill!', a woman with a machine gun said.
I grabbed Maia's and David's arm. They looked worried.
'I know where to go. Follow me!'
The ran after me. Everywhere people were running and screaming.
'They gonna kill us!!!', someone said.
'They gonna torture us and being us into hunt zones!', another replied.
I didn't give any kind and continued running. When we finally arrived to the door I took out the key and opened it making the lock click.
I picked a car randomly and went inside. I went to the driver's seat.
There was a key.
I turned the car on.
'Do you even know how to drive?!', Maia screamed.
'I used to play hours on the simulator. But that's better than nothing right?', I answered.
I pressed my foot on the speed pedal and we began to roll.
The garage door was opened.
We drove through some streets. Surpassed the city and arrived to the forest.
I stopped immediately.
'What's going on? Drive!', Maia said.
'We have to take Jake with us!!!'
I turned around and drove on full speed.
We stopped before the garage door.
'You drive to the next save haven. It's near to Portland. Just drive on the highway. You gonna find the way! I take Jake and we'll go there too.
Wait there for us!!!'
I ran into the building.
Jake was still there sleeping.
I woke him up.
'C'mon! The government is here for us! Let's go. There are cars in the north wing!'
I helped him stand up and we began to run.
He took his things.
His gun too.
We ran to the cars. He took one, began to drive and never looked back.
We exited the garage and we were about to drive into the forest when armed men were waiting for us.
'Exit the car! Hands up!', a soldier said with a megaphone.
'What do we do?', I asked him.
He looked worried into my eyes.
'There's nothing we can do anymore', he replied.
He went outside. Hands above his head.
I went outside too.
Hands above my head too.
The soldiers came to us.
One of them took a taser.
He tasered me.
I passed out.
The last I saw and heard was Jake screaming my name.
Then I completely passed out.

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