Part 3

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I got a bit nervous after them telling and trying to convince me that the world is about to end.
They talked as it was something normal and something we shouldn't have been worried about.
'The world is overpopulated. The government tried literally everything. Diseases, mutations, storms, tsunamis, catastrophic circumstances, Seekers'.
They said the last world as it was something horrible.
Maia looked at the floor.
'What are Seekers?', I asked.
Maia looked more worried.
'Seekers...ehm...they are...', that was the only thing that came out.
She still looked at the floor.
She was said. She remembered something.
David put a hand on her shoulder.
I took her hand.
She looked at me. I squeezed her hand.
Her cheeks went pepper red.
'You don't have to say anything  if you don't want to', I said looking in her eyes.
Maia squeezed my hand back.
'It's ok. The last chance to make the world "safe" and take the population low and mightless, because they fear that there'll be riots and stuff like that, they invent a game. Hide and Seek with extreme conditions. There are the control zones and the hunt zones.
We are in one of the hunt zones.
They call them the safe zones now.
But I less than a month the government will release the first Hiders and the Seekers.
The system lets them brainwash the future Seekers.
They learn how to be scrupulously and how to fight.
How to hunt and kill the Hiders.
To be a Hider you have to be eighteen, criminal or the government sent you there just for fun.
That's when Hide and Seek begins.
But to make is funnier the government gives the Hiders pills with gps concentrators and with a deadly virus.
When Hiders try to escape, the government activates the pills from the ones who try to escape.
When they activate them, you die.
Until you're turn eighteen and you have no criminal record, you go to kind of schools to learn about how to hide and all stuff like that.
But, and here comes the fucked up thing, the Seekers can erupt into the control zones and kill innocent kids and under eighteens.
Usually there are soldiers to protect us, but Seekers are wilders and have no mercy.
They just live to kill. To entertain the government'
It was like when someone takes the floor under your feet away and you are in free fall.
David patted my arm.
'I think I go have a shower to cool off and to have free thoughts and then I'll probably go to bed and sleep over it', I said, stood  up and went to the bathroom.
I closed the door behind me and closed the locker.
I sit down.
I had to throw up.  As I said, I went for a shower.
I put   shorts and a oversized t-shirt on and went out.
Then I realised that I hadn't cried until then too.
It felt weird.
I didn't know what to do.
Should I have forced myself to cry, because I felt guilty for not doing it?
Or should I have  forgotten the past, because in a world like that it didn't matter?
When I came out. Direct before me, touching my nose with his, was David.
'Heyyyyyyyyyy, so we heard bout like your parents, yanno. And we thought that we should make you a gift.'
He looked straight to my eyes.
There were some grey lines in his eyes.
'Hey hey, David? We don't want to invade our guests privacy, don't we?', Maia said, cake from behind David, grabbed his arms and they began to have a "whispery fight".
'Here, he lost his parents. You and I know how it feels like to loose someone important. Let him a bit alone', Maia whispered and took the gift from David.
It was wrapped in plastic.
'Here', she said, gave me the gift and continued, 'ignore David when he's like that. He likes newbies'. I took the gift and unwrapped it. It was wubbely pudding.
'We took and extra dessert from the canteen', David said with a big grin.
'Thanks', I answered.
I put it on the little table next to the bunkbed.
Maia threw a pillow into my face.
'Hey!', I said and turned around.
I took a pillow and threw it to David.
He looked confused.
We all took our pillows and attacked each other.
Then we all went to bed. Luckily I didn't dream.
I woke up next morning with a bad head ache.
I went to the bad moaning and drank a cup of water.
Maia was in the bathroom too changing.
'I wait outside', I said half asleep.
'Nah it's ok', she answered.
I gave her a confused and concerned look.
'What are you waiting for?', she asked.
'I'll go wake up David'.
I turned around and went to wake up David.
'David', I whispered and shook his arm.
He was snoring.
'Hey, David, wake up', he woke up and watched in my eyes.
His forehand was like 10 centimetres from mine.
'Huh? Hey, mornin'. What's up?', he said sleepy.
'Maia is strange', I said.
'You realised it just yet? You're a big brain, aren't you?', he said a bit laughing.
'Just go to the bathroom'.
He stood up.
His hair was a mess and he had sleep still in his eyes.
He had a long tang top and shorts on.
He went to the bathroom.
A scream. Then another.
'What the hell are you doing here?!', Maia screamed.
'Leo told me you were strange and that I had to go to the bathroom! I'm innocent. I'm the victim here!', David answered.
'Did he?!', she said and went out of the bathroom.
She gave me the dead look.
'Did you?!', she asked again.
' were acting strange! You told me to come into the bathroom while you were changing!', I said in my defence.
'I wanted you to help me with the god damn shower!'
I said nothing.
Jake can into our room.
'Why are y'all screaming? We can hear you from the cabin!', he said angrily.
'What's the cabin?', I asked.
'Doesn't matter, I'll give you a tour later but now stop screaming. Leo come with me'.
I was relieved to exit the room. There was too much tension.
He showed me a bit around.
Then we came to a half open metallic "slide door".
I stood still and looked inside.
There were thousands of screens and computers and all technology stuff.
One the biggest screen there was a transmission.
There was a little boy 12 perhaps and  a teenage girl.
The teenage girl, maybe 18 looked scared.
The boy ran into the girl, took out a knife and cut her throat open.
I fell backwards. That's when Jake realised I stayed back and didn't pay attention.
The boy looked straight to my direction into my my eyes.
I was even more scared.
Jake looked inside and saw what I was watching at.
He helped me up.
'That's nothing that belongs to your eyes. Just leave this room alone', he said and smiled at me but it was just made up.
'Come, I'll show you your locker', he continued.
We walked through the whole building and Jake showed me everything.
He left me at Maia's, David's and my room.
I was going to pull the handle.
I turned around and ran to the room.
It was lunch time.
There shouldn't have been someone.
The door was open.
Thousands of screens still on.
There were maps of the U.S.A and all the control zones.
I didn't know what I was searching for, but I hastily walked to a big desk and looked through the files on the table.
There were files about the descending population, about probably Seekers, about hunt zones, about save havens.
But one special file cashed my eye.
"Experiment Atlas"
There were pieces of paper with information.
There was one letter.

"Dear Vice President,
We've come to a decision.
The other sponsors are pleased of the plan hide and seek.
Other have signed up and are ready to cooperate.
We can activate experiment Atlas.
This isn't just about us. This is wide above us.
Others have been enrolled into army and navy.
Nuclear weapons have been build.
We're ready to take over Russia, China  and parts of Europe.
But soon we'll be able to erupt into other countries and in a short period we'll be occupying the whole world.
We need your go and then it'll all be accomplished.

President of the United States of America."

I couldn't believe my eyes.
I heard voices and steps.
I hid under the desk.
There was a key.
I took it.
Then an alarm began to ring.
My ears hurt.
I ran out of the room with the file and the key.
Everywhere red lights.
I ran  to the main hall.
There were hundreds of people. In the middle was a woman.
She looked mental ill and like a crackhead.
She had old and grey clothes and in her hand a gun.
She was whispering something.
The woman pointed the gun to someone's chest.
She shot.
I couldn't see anything but blood red.

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