Chapter 31

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I don't remember how we even reached the hospital.

It is a blur as memories and sentences merge together, flashing through my head one after the other. Like a broken record, it repeats again and again.

Building was strong...

It shouldn't have fallen even if there was an earthquake.

She has been critically injured.

Currently I am sitting on one of the chairs in the waiting room of the hospital as she is being operated. I have my head in my hands, as I stare blankly at the doors.

Soon it burst open as the five boys that have been our friend come in hurrying.

I know I didn't call them, so it must have been Jayden. I look up at him sitting next to me to find him staring at me with worried eyes.

I give him a small smile in thanks before I get up to meet the boys halfway through the waiting room. The moment I reach them, I am engulfed in a huge hug by Keith and Mason. Both had tears in their eyes, so did the rest of them, though for some reason Ryker and Ace look blank.

Lifeless even.

"Are you okay?"

I feel Mason ask me, his voice hoarse in my ear. I shrug in answer, "I am as okay as I can be."

He nods, letting me go as Kevin hugs me too.

"Want something babe?" Jayden whispers silently. I look up at him to see him looking at me in concern. Looking around I see the boys still sitting around in the room, all gloomy before I catch sight of the time in the wall clock.

It's 3 p.m.

It's been hours since we have been here.

I nod, knowing I will have to eat something to survive, even though even the thought of eating makes me want to hurl.

"Just grab me something. Anything will do."

He nods at me, about to go when he looks at the boys too, sighing before he asks Kevin and Mason to follow him.

The two do that without any question, save for telling us to inform them if there is anything we find out.

The moment they leave, Keith instantly fires a Ryker a question, without looking up at him, "What and how did it happen?"

I look at him wanting answers too.

Ryker runs his hand through his hair, looking pained and guilty as he breaths out slowly, "I... I went after her outside and tried to explain myself to her. God, I didn't realize she had... Liked me!"

He gives Ace a fleeting glance as he continues, "I didn't mean to hurt her. She was upset and asked me to leave her alone. I even sent some men after her, they were stationed out of the house. I have no idea how they reached the apartment building."

It dawns upon me who they is.

"Camille too?"

Ace gives me a nod, "She was there too. She is currently in the surgery too, though she will be out sooner. The cops say that she that for some reason she was not as hurt as she should have been for someone that was in the fifth floor."

I nod, letting my head fall on the wall behind.

"She must've taken her there right after college," Keith mutters, cursing under his breath once then continuing, "She said a few days ago that she wants Cami to experience the whole college life."

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