Chapter 17

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The blonde girl hums in sync with the song that was playing through her phone as she cooks the pasta for the love of her life. Though she had recently moved in with him, their years of friendship and connection makes her feel at home throughout the day. She had been filling out college forms months ago and it would be soon that she will hear from at least one of them.

The front door opens and a deep, husky voice yells out, "Princess, I come bearing Pepsi."

The blonde girl giggles, quickly stopping the music that had earlier been filling the kitchen. She turns around to see the man with inky black hair entering the kitchen with a bag from super market.

Her grey orbs narrow in suspicion at the bag, "I think there should be something more in it."

Ice blue eyes shining brightly at her, he shakes his head, "This was not the welcome I expected when I asked you to move in with me."

The girl glares at him playfully, crossing her arms across her chest as the man stalks towards her. "Well, you didn't ask me to move in with you."

Once he was close enough, the girl drops the glare and smile fondly at him, wrapping her arms lazily around his neck. The man wraps his around her waist and brings her closer to him. He caresses her waist as he kisses the side of her head.

"I know I didn't ask, I just told you parents and shifted your stuff in my house but I told you. I can't imagine a day without you Lynnie. You are my world."

The girl laughs lightly before shaking her head at the man she has seen growing up. Going on her tip toes, the girl softly places a peck on his lips, "What will I do with you Jay?"

"I don't know, babe. Marry me may be?"

She widens her eyes in fake horror, "Oh no... Then I will have to bear you all my life."

His throaty chuckle resonates through the kitchen, "Princess, you will have to bear me all your life anyway. Marry me or not, I am not going anywhere and neither are you."

He doesn't give her a chance to respond as he leans down and kisses her, strong and passionate as always. She tightens her arms around his neck, hands running through his inky locks while his one hand traces her body from her waist up, till it reaches her neck where he grips to lock her near him.

The kisses continue down her neck when the need for air forces their lips apart but soon the girl pushes the man away before turning around and cursing out loud.

The man burst out laughing as she turns the stove off. Groaning she glares at him again, "This is all your fault. You came in distracting me!"

"It's alright love. We can order food today. I totally take the blame for causing you to burn your food... So can we go to what we were doing again?"

Her glare melts as she cracks a smile, shaking her head. "Boy if someone sees you right now, they will refuse to accept that you are the youngest member to climb the level ladder in the gang. You always find reasons to keep touching me."

His laugh sobers up but a soft smile stays on his lips. He takes her hand and turns her around, hugging her from behind as he exhales a sigh.

"You have no idea of the things I see on a daily basis, Love. You are the only thing that is keeping me sane as I work in the dirtiest place any human can imagine. If somehow, we are torn apart, or god forbid, you leave me... I have no doubt that I too will turn into a monster like them."

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