Chapter 14

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An hour and a half later, I stand in his hallway, right in the middle of the two bedrooms. He leaned against his bedroom entrance looking at me as I stay there undecided on which room to stay.

"What are you trying to do exactly?"

He asks, his voice deep and husky as he tilts his head to the side in confusion.

"Trying to decide the room in which I should stay."

"Princess, you seem eager... isn't it too soon to share a room with me again?" He smirks, his eyes going down my form leisurely, drinking me in.

"Eyes up pretty boy. Get your mind out of the gutter, we won't be sharing a room... ever again," Yet my mind flushes with a memory of me and him in his teenage room, which I force away and continue, "I just do not want to stay in a room where you had tortured a guy, not even twenty four hour ago from now."

He hums, straightening in one swift motion before he steps forward, closing the distance between us. I stand my ground, not wanting him to see how his closeness affects me. But standing my ground and keeping my breath normal seems even difficult when he leans down, bringing his face next to mine with his lips grazing my ear.

"But Princess, I won't be so sure about the first part, you never know... it might just take me a week to get you in my room, with me. And that is when I take your feelings in account. Else, it may take me a few hours only."

I gulp, feeling different emotions swirl within me.

Unsure about my own self, I push him back, masking my face as blank as possible, I speak. My voice dripping with sugary sweetness.

"Be a darling host and shift in the guest room, knowing you, your room will be much more comfortable. Providing the guest the best of your ability is what Aunt has taught you right?"

Without waiting for any sort reply for the devil in front of me, I open his bedroom door and drag my luggage inside and slam the door on his face. And lean my head against the door, giving a few minute to my heart to stop racing so much.

He knocks not even a second later, continuing as he assumes I am listening. "I have a meeting I am heading to...  When I will be back around midnight. I will need clothes so keep the door open. Don't step outside Lynnie, I mean it."

And with that he is gone.

I hear his footsteps walking away and then the front door locking. I take a few breathe and finally notice that I am in his room. The guy didn't even panic or try to hide anything from me, he just left me to it... as if he still trusts me. I snort, amusement and disbelieve at the thought.

I walk further in the room, taking in the neutral grey and light blue themed room. I didn't really pay the room any mind the last time I saw it, but the room is beautiful and modern, not to mention clean. The bed, a king sized, had light blue sheets with grey pillows and duvet; the desk across the room, right next to the glass sliding door leading to the balcony is grey along with the chair. Walls light blue and curtains grey, the doors matching the curtain.

The only problem in this room was, there was nothing personal. No photos, no posters like his teenage room has, nothing.

I huff, dragging my stuff to his walk in closet and adjust them in their rightful places. I take my toiletries in the bathroom and do the same, before I make my way to his bed and fall on it, tired. I look at the time and groan.

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