Chapter 3

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The smoke forms a cloud over my head, disappearing gradually as I take another drag the cigarette, closing my eyes as I feel the bitter gas make its way down my windpipe to the breathing organ. I looked back outside, my free hand gripping the railing of the bedroom balcony tightly.

How did I not see it? Why was I so stupid to let my emotions get the best of me? Especially when I promised myself not to let my emotions land me in trouble again?

I sigh, putting out the brunt of the stick before throwing it in the dustbin and going back through my room to the living area again, where everyone was still waiting for me.

It was the next day now, we had stopped talking after we realised that a clear mind would be required to deal with our situation. The boys had gone back home while Christian had gone to oversee one of his gang that worked in the city near ours. Now, as I go around to sit on love seat, I notice the anticipation that was palpable in the air. Ace, Keith and Mason were on the couch opposite mine, Kevin sitting on the floor with Ryker and Christian standing across each other, both at the opposite ends of the room.
The silence was deafening, each one of us in thought. Each one of us trying to find a means to get out of the sticky situation.

“We should tell them the real reason why killing him was necessary.” Mason putts the idea forward, earning a nod from the boys but making my eyes widen in alarm. I look at Christopher, to see him looking at Mason with a frown.

“And I can tell him that you are an amateur who didn’t know about him being under the gang’s protection.” Ryker muses, nodding his head as he mulled over the idea. But their suggestion made panic seize my heart, however controlled my face was.
None of the boys knew of my past. Not about why I came to this town. Not about why I know how to wield weapons and fight. Not how I am connected to their cold- hearted leader. Which meant that none of them knew the fear I had in mind.

They thought I was afraid because he will kill me once he finds me.

But only Christopher knew the truth. I was scared that he will find me.

How ironic isn’t it?

“No. You can’t do that,” Christopher says in a firm tone, “That may handle the Carter’s gang situation but we are forgetting about the other gang. Plus, this may backfire on you.”

I drew in a shaky breath, swallowing the bitter taste that came into my mouth at the thought that was swirling in my head.

Maybe it’s time to finally face my fears.

“Let the situation stay as it is.”


The exclamation came from all of them. Their faces, all snapped towards me, with same emotions on them. Fear, for my safety; disbelieve, at my ridiculous suggestion and anger, for even saying that.

“I don’t think you understand,” Ace says, trying to stay as calm as he can, “what the situation is here Ash. We are talking about Jayden Carter here! I am the only one here who has seen him working and when I tell you that the man is deadly… I bloody well mean it.”

This is the first time, after two whole years, when someone has said his name. Safe to say, I was revived of the fateful day when everything went downhill, angering me enough to turn the haze of red on in my head.

I struggled to contain it, desperately so, for the sake of my friends here. They are just trying to keep me safe from the monster they knew, they didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of my anger.
“I want you all to trust me boys. You too, Chris. He won’t be able to torture me, you know it Christopher,” I plead to Chris through my eyes.

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