Chapter 30

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I wake up to the sun shining through the window, falling directly over where I am lying.

Sighing, I decide to get up.

Sitting up straight, I find myself alone in the room with a note on the bedside table saying he is in the kitchen. I yawn loudly, stretching and feeling much like a cat before I finally make myself get up and somehow reach the bathroom.

Brushing my teeth, I wash my face, still somehow feeling gloomy.

Brushing it off as the fatigue of the past few days, I simply strip and take a quick shower, loving the cold water as it jolts me awake.

It takes me a few more minutes to get dressed in another set of clothes I have here. After my stay here, and the random show ups I did the last year, this room has been allotted to me official. Which means it is fully equipped with all of my clothes.

Humming to myself, I go down the stair and into the kitchen where I find Jayden and Chris huddled together in one corner talking while the cook, Anita gives me a smile.

Responding to her with a quick smile, I make a bee line for the steaming jar of coffee, pouring in a cup and moaning when I finally take a sip.

Clearing of a throat makes my eyes snap open to see the two men staring at me.

Jayden looking at me in an intense way, with his eyes hooded speaking clearly of his intentions. Forcing myself not to blush as well as smile, I look at the other man, who looks as if he would be anywhere but here.

"I love you Ash, I really do. But you are my sister and I don't want to know how you sound when doing that."

Christopher Ryland sounds positively disturbed, making me burst out laughing.

"It's okay buddy. I am pretty sure you're next girl will help you forget this."

I tease him, loving how the tips of his ears turn pink as he grumbles under his breath about how much I suck as a friend. Anita looks confused, but the petite Indian woman says nothing about it, simply continuing to work on her food.

Jayden on the other hand isn't as hesitant and asks, "What am I missing?"

Before I get a chance to reply, Willow comes running in, panting as she stops in front of me. She bends down for a second, breathing deeply a few times before speaking, "Your apartment building. It's gone."

I frown, not sure what she means.


"Your apartment building? Mr. Lee's. It's gone."

"How can a building be gone?"

She looks distressed, "It has crumbled. It happened last night, and the police thinks it may be done by someone."

Alarm flashes through all of us as the men stand up, following the two of us as we start for the office, hearing Willow explain herself.

"It's all over the news. A lot of people are rescued and sent to hospitals. It's a mess and if the news reports are anything to go by then they think someone did it deliberately because the structure of the building, and the material and build and everything of that building was strong. It shouldn't have fallen even if there was an earthquake."

Just as her sentence finishes, we burst through the office doors hearing snippets of the news reporters as they all try to tell us everything and anything they knew about this.

Apparently there has been reports of loud noise and sights of 'strange and suspicious men' around the building before it fell down in a crumble late at night, around what can be guessed as 1 a.m. today.

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