Chapter 24

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Read the note in the last, it's important.

Jayden's POV

I round the front of my car to get to her side. Finding her looking at the price-y house in shock, I feel uncomfortable for a second. Is this the type of house she likes now?

But then I push the thought away, along with the doubts that have been my constant companion for the past couple of years.

Her shocked state might have something to do with me not informing her about coming here. But I needed to get something done and I couldn't leave her alone for two days, and on a plus side, she can meet her old friend again.

I clear my throat, pushing my hands in my pocket to stop myself from touching her, "Let's get inside."

Seeming to come out of her thoughts, she gives me a hesitant nod before getting out of the car and closing the door. We walk together, both quite as we walk up the steps and knock on the front double door. I observe how she steps a bit behind me, almost as if hiding from who-ever will open the door.

I stay silent, and confused as I continue to see her through the glass sides that flank if front door, for once thankful of his obsession with over the top decorations.

Her beautiful grey eyes look around, unsure yet anticipating as she hunches a bit to seem smaller.

My brows furrow, having never seen her act anything but confident.

Before I can say anything, the double doors burst open as a girl with bright pink hair looks at me as she blows a bubble via her gum. Naked shock and fear flashes through her eyes as her bubble burst.

Quick as she came, she turns and leaves, running to where ever she is going. I step in, feeling Ashlyn following me as well.

The inside of his mansion, just as it's outside, looks white, pristine and wealth oozing. Our steps echo a bit as we cross the foyer and step on the staircase that leads us to the upper floor.

Christopher Ryland is hardly ever seen on the ground floor of his mansion.

We were almost at the middle of the stairs when a male voice from behind calls out, "Ashy?"

I feel Ash behind me freeze, making me turn around to see who was it.

Articus, an old and trusted friend of Christopher stood behind two members of Christopher's gang. One being the pink haired girl who had open the door, the other being a young male I have seen loitering around here quite often.

"Ashy bear!" the girl rushes forward, crashing into Ashlyn to give her a hug like they were long lost friends, something that didn't sit well with me because as far as I am concerned, this girl has joined Ryland's gang about a year and a half ago.

Which means, they should not know each other at all.

My jaws clench as the feeling of being lost creeps up to my mind. In the back of my head, suspicion rears it's head, which I desperately try to stop.

Even though there is no other way they would know each other.

I watch silently as Ashlyn pushes the girl back a bit, her grey orbs flashing towards me once before going back to the bubble gum girl.

"Hey, Willow, can you give us some time alone and I will meet you and the others in the kitchen?"

Hearing her say this confirms my thoughts.

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