Chapter 11

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"And the prenatal development of fetus is the time where the chart showcases a rapid increase in developments, hence the reason each and every one of the human-"

I tune out the professor as he continues on the topic of how important the development of prenatal stages are for us to understand child psychology. Child psychology is apparently an important topic to give us a basic knowledge about how human brains should work. Quite an interesting topic, and I would have loved it, but I have more pressing matters to deal with.

Like how to tell Abby the truth without her freaking out.

I can't just go up to her and tell her that all her friends are associated with gangs and I am the one who killed her uncle. Oh let's not forget about me being a price target.

Yup. Not going to happen.

"Miss Greene."

I snap out of it, looking at the professor and the entire class. All of which had their eyes on me.

"Sir?" I reply sheepishly, shrinking in my seat in embarrassment.

"If you had been paying attention, you would have noticed me giving everyone a project. A project that makes up 14% of your grade," Professor Moore's voice borders on amusement as he continues, "May I know why such bad attention Miss Greene?"

"Uhh..." I bit my lower lip in frustration.

"Alright class, everyone out now."

Professor gives me a slight smirk before dismissing the class and turning to face his desk, collecting the pages scattered on his table.

I get up, walking down the side aisle with Nikki, asking her about what the topic for the project is.

"Everyone is given different topics ranging from development in fetus at week three to the development of a two year old. Even focusing on the type of development is different for everyone."

"Wait- What?"

"Yeah. Like I am given the development of body in a child from it's birth to the age of six months. Jack there has been given the topic of embryo stage."

"Oh..." I reply, stunned that someone will divide the whole topic to pieces. "But doesn't it make the whole thing a little too less for something that prices to be 14% of our grades?"

Nikki stops, right in the middle of the hallway, making people around us look at us in annoyance. "Come to think of it, you are right. It doesn't add up."

"What doesn't?" I turn her around again and push her to walk towards the parking lot.

"The fact that one of my cousin said that Professor Moore is the most strict lecturer in the Psychology department. And that he gives loads of assignments and projects, as in makes you work for each half of a mark."

I frown, noting how this doesn't seem like the man who has been teaching us for a while now. "May be... or maybe he got to know about how his reputation has been so he started working better?"

"Sure. May be. Who knows?"

"Oh wait. What is my topic then?" I ask right as we reach the lot.

"Uh... wait I have it written somewhere..." Nikki takes out her phone, and starts looking for the memo she has saved in class. Honestly, I am not surprised how she has taken it upon herself to note my topic as well.

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