Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

Ratchet pulled her close to him as he hugged her gently, stroking her hair. "You did a great job. You found me." He smiled a bit. "We're going to fix this, alright? Don't go today, I can make it seem you have the flu if need be. Me and Miko will go tomorrow to these people and have a word." 

She shook her head and hugged him tighter as she buried her face in his chest. "Grandad... I-" they heard a knock on the front door and she looked to it as she stayed in his arms. She shook as her grip tightened on him. "Oh no..." she whispered.

Raf went to the door and opened it then his smile faded as he saw a tall man in a soldiers uniform. The soldier stared at him and narrowed his eyes a little. "Where is Skye Darby and why is she associated with you?'" He growled lowly. 

Ratchet frowned hearing the voice and hurried Skye into a nearby room, laying her down and taking off her shoes. "Get under the covers, we will handle this." He said as he rushed into the bathroom and grabbed a rag, wetting it then rushing back into the room, placing it over her forehead, holding a thermometer in his hand. He turned on a lamp and pressed it against the bulb.

"Grandad... please..." she begged quietly as her fear grew. She bit her lip and glanced to the doorway nervously. She had a job to do and shouldn't be doing this.

"Hush and do as I say youngling." Ratchet grunted as he watched the numbers climb on the thermometer. "I'm not scared of any soldiers. They should fear me." His eyebrows furrowed, grunting again, looking at her and bringing the blanket over her.

She sat up and gripped his hand between both of hers as she gave him a pleading expression. "Grandad.... listen to me... please..." she whispered as she stared at him intently. "It'll be okay..." she said as she rubbed his knuckles with her thumb. "I... I have a... part to play..." she choked.

The doctor frowned as he put the thermometer in her mouth. "No. You are saying this as if you joined a cult." He gripped her hands tightly. "You are fine. You did not sign your life away for a simple job. If they are true humans they will understand you cannot be there all the time." He grunted.

Skye frowned deeply and sat up as she gripped his face and tears fell. "Grandad, it's not a cult. It's the army." She said seriously as she glared a little. "How is this different from what mom and dad do? From what you and your team have done? Don't you think maybe I'm just trying to help our people? Grandad... I love you so much... but I can't... I can't stand to watch people die around me." She whispered quietly. "I have to help however I can." She said.

The old man paused, frowning as he stared at her. His expression softened and he sighed. "I am a medic. It is fairly different from what you do. I was fighting a war. I had no choice but you do." He murmured softly and took her face in his hands. "I can't stand to know you may never return...Skye I barely remember you. I only know bits and pieces. I don't want to get rid of someone I know I love." He whispered, his eyes watering as he grew more scared. "But...I know I can't stop you so I guess I'll just let you go." He murmured shaking his head.

She shook her head and choked back a sob as she wiped his tears away. "Don't forget then." She said as she smiled slightly. "Don't give up Grandpa Ratchet." She said as she smiled sadly and gently gripped his face. She kissed his forehead then smiled again as she hugged him tightly. "It's okay..." she whispered again then got up.

Ratchet trembled a bit, his worry only increasingly. He hugged her tightly, frowning. "I won't, Skye...please be safe." He murmured and began letting go. Skye hugged him tighter and gently kissed his cheek then let go. She then quietly slipped out of the room.


Rafael frowned deeply. "Skye Darby is a part of our family. She is in the back with her grandfather...may I ask what this is about?" Rafael asked with furrowing eyebrows, the others going silent and looking over at the door.

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