Chapter Seven

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Ratchet was sitting by the stop where track cars came in, resting on a bench. He frowned deeply as he waited and watched, hopeful. His eyes were distant as he held a photo in his hand. Percy sat next to the man, talking to him quietly. Though the doctor didn't seem to want to talk. Ratchet soon got up, held onto the picture and he began returning to the apartment, unaware he was being looked for. He went to the door and opened it, going to his room quietly.

Skye stared blankly at the buildings and streets as she waited and watched for him. She knew he wasn't with her father and was worried as she went to the apartment. She didn't find him there and she became more worried. She left and started running around as she started to panic. She was in tears now and continued to look for him as she felt panicked. She couldn't find him and started to sob. She lost someone else in her family. She shook her head and continued to look.

An older man with white hair was walking around when he saw her, frowning at her distress. He went over to her worriedly. He placed a hand on her arm gently. "Hey, hi, are you alright?" The man asked gently, his eyes searching her face. 

"Yes... I'll be fine..." she muttered and quickly wiped her tears away in embarrassment. She was acting like a child and wasn't meaning to. 

The man frowned deeply. "Are you sure? I'm happy to help you." He spoke kindly, his voice warm and gentle. 

"I don't know... I mean... no... I'm sorry... I'm just being silly." she muttered and wiped her tears away quickly. "Sorry to have bothered you..." she muttered. "Thank you Mr... um..."

"Mr. Burns but you can just call me Charlie." The man smiled a bit. "You didn't bother me at all. I just wanted to make sure your alright." He spoke calmly. "What's bothering you?" 

She looked at him as tears fell down her face and she sniffed a little as she smiled, or tried to. "Thanks Charlie... um... Mr Burns..." she said. "I really am sorry... I lost my grandfather... and I know that sounds... dumb..." she muttered.

Charlie shook his head. "That's not dumb. I'm sorry to hear this. I can help look for him if you would like." He said gently, smiling kindly at her. "I'm sure more eyes could help." 

"I sound like a child..." she choked and forced a smile then bit her lip. "Thank you..." she whispered and looked around. "I don't even know where to start... I've looked everywhere." she whispered.

"No you don't. You sound like a family member concerned for their grandfather." Charlie reassured as he looked around. "Well first, stay calm and tell me the most likely places he would go." He told her gently.

"The hospital or home... but I've looked there already." she said as she glanced around and bit her lip. She looked down as she worried more and sniffed a little.

Charlie nodded, frowning a bit. "Well it's getting late. Maybe he just wandered around. I'm pretty old and I'd go home after walking around. Maybe he went home again." Charlie told her calmly, taking out a cloth from his pocket and handed it to her for her tears. 

"Thank you..." she whispered and took it then wiped her tears away. "I'll... I'll head home then..." she whispered and smiled a little. "Thank you again..." she said and handed it back.

Charlie nodded. "Of course. Stay safe." He smiled at the woman before he let her go back home alone, continuing his walk. 

Skye hugged herself and sniffed sadly as she walked to her apartment. She was worried she lost him and continued to wipe her tears away. She sniffed again as she got to the apartment and entered.

Ratchet was laying on his bed exhausted, shaking a bit as his fist was clenched holding the photo. He trembled, his eyes filled with tears. He blinked and began sitting up hearing the door and footsteps. "Skye?" He called out, voice hoarse. 

I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang