Chapter Thirty

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Hunter sat down at the counter, trying to flatten his hair a bit. "Oh, well, then good evening." He said calmly. He glanced at the old doctor that came over and smiled a little. "Hey, Ratchet. How you feeling?" He asked.

The doctor smiled a little, nervous as if he was meeting new people, well new to him it seemed. "I'm... well. How... how did you two sleep?" He asked gently, looking at them.

Adrien looked at his grandfather and smiled a little then walked over and hugged him tightly. "We slept fine... thank you. How about you?" He asked as he pulled away and watched him. He looked so much like his father.

The medic blinked in surprise before relaxing and hugged him tightly as well. "I slept well." He said gently. "I'm glad you two got well rested." He said quietly. Hunter smiled as he hugged the old man for a moment. 

"We missed you Grandad..." Adrien whispered quietly. He squeezed him gently then let go. He sat down as he looked to the hallway. Miko slowly came out and rubbed her face as she glanced around.

"Where's Skye?" She asked quietly and looked over at her children. She didn't want them to be separated anymore. 

Hunter let go of his grandfather to look to his mother. "I don't know." He frowned, worry filling his chest and expression. "Has she not come back yet?"

Ratchet frowned deeply. "I... didn't see her come in." he said quietly, looking around, to the door, then back to Miko.

Sari began making their plates calmly. "Skye can be gone for an hour to a few days. She always comes back, don't worry. She's got your mother's determination." Sari smiled, amused as she scrapped veggies onto the plates. "She has people that will take care of her, don't worry."

"I... I'm worried about her anyway...." Adrien whispered quietly. "We just got her back and now she's gone." He said as he started to worry about his little sister.

"She'll be alright. She's a wrecker." Wheeljack grinned as he limped out of the room as he gripped the wall. Trying to stay up.

Ratchet hurried over to him immediately, worried for the man. He helped Wheeljack in and sit down, frowning deeply. "She is not a wrecker. She is a Darby." He grumbled. "I don't need her being reckless." He huffed.

Hunter snickered a bit. "What? She can be a wrecker and a Darby." He grinned as he sat down again, yawning as he began waking fully.

He chuckled softly as he looked at him then sat down as he thanked the doctor. "Ya but she IS Miko's daughter who IS a wrecker." He grinned excitedly.

"Where's Bulkhead?" The dark haired mother asked as she smiled and rolled her eyes at the other wrecker.

"You know how he is... struggles to get up." Wheeljack shrugged. "I can't help him though." He mumbled and sighed forcefully. 

Ratchet frowned worriedly, listening to them. "What do you mean he struggles to get up?" His eyebrows furrowed and he began going to Bulkhead, checking in on him and wanting to help him. 

"He's got one arm Doc. He still struggles to get up." The wrecker said as he rolled his eyes again. He then went to tending to his leg.

Bulkhead was laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. He was tired and in a little pain. He glanced at Ratchet and smiled a little. "Hey Ratchet... I'll be up in a sec.... sorry I just need some time." He mumbled and closed his eyes.

The medic went to him, frowning with worry as he ignored Wheeljack. "Tired?" He asked quieter, sitting on the edge of the bed as he looked at the man. "Would... would you like a bit of time of rest? I can let you get more sleep if you want." He said as he began getting up again. He knew they were all exhausted.

I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant