Chapter Twenty Five

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Sari nodded a little. "It's going to be alright, Raf." She whispered and took his hand. "Look at me." She looked up at him. "What happened to you was horrible but you can't let it control you now. Quinn is fine. Riley is fine. I'm getting better. You're getting better. We're getting our family all together, there isn't anything to worry about, alright? I love you and were going to get through this together." She said softly as she gently squeezed his hand. "What happened isn't affecting you right now. No one is hurting you. No one is after you. You're safe."

Rafael looked at her and nodded quickly then gripped her face between his hands. "I know I'm safe... I know I am..." he whispered quietly and hung his head. "I... I'm not worried..." he tried to convince himself as he sighed shakily. He didn't want her to think he was crazy. 

She nodded a little, placing her hands over his. "Hey, its okay... it's okay to worry... alright?" She smiled a bit, turning her face and kissing his palm. "I love you. Try to relax. Have you been taking your medicine?" 

He stared at her then smiled a little before it faded. "No... I missed a day because of the confinement." He admitted. He sighed shakily and hugged her then slowly got up. He put a clean shirt on then found his medication and took it. He stared blankly at nothing in particular as he thought about their situation. 

She nodded in understanding and scooted back a bit, laying down with a tired sigh. She watched him for a moment. "Will you be alright?" She asked quietly, seeing him so distant.

He nodded and looked at her then walked over and sat by her side. "Yes... thank you..." he whispered. "You've helped me with so much." he smiled and gently kissed her head.

She smiled a bit, taking his hand and kissing the top of it. "I'm your wife, of course I'm going to help you. No need to thank me silly." She spoke with amusement, shaking her head a bit. She closed her eyes for a moment of rest.

The young father chuckled and kissed her forehead then glanced at the door when he heard a small knock. He smiled a little and opened it to see Quinn. "Is it safe?" she asked and he chuckled as he picked her up and hugged her.

The mother opened her eyes and smiled at the two. "Hello sweetheart." She greeted, sitting up some, her heart warming as she saw her daughter. Quinn giggled and hugged her father then grinned at her mother. He sat down and they snuggled with Sari. The child quickly told stories to cheer them up, even as it started to get late. Sari smiled and hugged her daughter. She listened to her intently, always loving her stories. She glanced at the clock after a while, noticing how late it was. Worry crept into her mind but it didn't show in her face. They realized Miko wouldn't make it back that evening. Raf noticed she glanced at the clock then looked as well before he carefully got up to make dinner. He knew the others were going to come soon.

Sari watched him leave and continued talking to Quinn about things until she could smell dinner throughout the room. She began to get up, holding onto the bed for support as she tried to gather enough strength. Hit with a wave of nausea once she stood, she sat back onto the bed tiredly. 

Rafael came in and smiled a little as he set up a small table by the bed. "Take it easy love." he whispered and kissed her forehead as Quinn giggled and covered her eyes.

The mother looked at him and smiled a bit but wanted to get up. She glanced at Quinn and chuckled at her giggling. She kissed Rafs cheek before just getting comfortable sitting on the bed. "I'm sorry... maybe tomorrow we can all eat in the dining room together." 

He smiled slightly and hugged her carefully. "We always eat together." He whispered and kissed her. Quinn giggled again and flopped on the bed as she covered her face. 

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