Chapter Seventeen

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Sari smiled faintly and gently tried hugging him back. Ratchet smiled a bit as he put things back into his bag. "Of course." He murmured and began leaving the room. Riley went to him and the two talked quietly for a moment. Ratchet followed her and wrote something down on a paper and she took it then left the house quickly. Ratchet sighed softly and glanced at Bumblebee.

The scout looked at him then moved out of the way. He watched him then hesitantly followed. He wanted to see what he was doing and ask because he was worried. Skye watched the doctor and stood to follow. They were all worried.

Ratchet looked at them and frowned a bit. "She's taking a copy of the recipe to the lab to see if she can make more of this cure." He explained shortly as he took a seat. Skye nodded slowly and stayed standing as she watched the door. She was happy for them and it made her think of her father. She glanced at Ratchet then Bumblebee before looking at the door again.

The doctor looked at Skye and blinked. "Are you alright, Skye?" He asked, frowning with worry as she seemed on edge.

"What? Um... ya... I was... just thinking about dad..." she whispered quietly and folded her arms as she looked at the ground.

Ratchet looked at her quietly before walking over to her and gently hugging her. "Why don't we go visit him then?" He muttered.

"I don't want to be rude and leave..." she whispered quietly and looked up at him. Bumblebee watched the two and wanted to see Jack as well.

The old doctor looked at Bumblebee then her. "We can just tell Raf that we want to visit Jack. He will understand." He said calmly. "I'm sure he would really want to know as it would be just him, Sari, and Quinn here." He said as he began to leave, going to tell the young father. The scout nodded slowly and watched his friend go then glanced at Skye as she stared at the floor. Raf was rocking his wife as Quinn sat by them.

Ratchet went over and calmly sighed. "Raf, I'm taking Skye and Bumblebee to visit Jack. Riley went to the lab. I should be back soon with them." He told him quietly as Sari was asleep again.

"That's alright... I'd like to go with you though... if that's alright. We can wait until Riley gets back at least." He whispered. "Well... it's okay. Go ahead and I'll visit him later." He changed his mind as he smiled slightly.

The doctor blinked at the man and shook his head. "We can wait for you." He said gently. "I'm sure Riley won't be long." He said as he leaned against the door-frame a bit. ''I know you wouldn't want to leave Quinn here by herself with Sari." He said with understanding.

"No... that's not the best thing for me to do..." he sighed forcefully and looked at him. "I just don't want Riley to feel left out." He whispered quietly.

Ratchet nodded a bit as he looked at him. "Well... you can always ask if she would like to come or not." He suggested.

"I will when she gets back." He said as he smiled slightly. "Thank you both for all your help." He whispered quietly.

"Of course." Ratchet said gently, smiling a little. "Don't mention it." He muttered before leaving the room quietly, going to where Skye and Bumblebee were. Skye was sitting on the couch hugging herself as Bumblebee watched her with concern. He hesitated and set his hand on her shoulder.

Ratchet went over to her and sat next to her. He frowned and gently rubbed her back. "We will visit him once Riley returns." He said gently.

"Okay...." she whispered quietly as her leg bounced a little. She was nervous about seeing him again. She was worried. The grandfather frowned and rubbed her back gently. After a while, Riley returned wearing her lab coat, looking around for something. She rushed around, opening drawers silently.

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