Chapter Twenty Four

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Riley ran with him quickly, tripping only once or twice in her flats. Soldiers were surrounding the front when they went inside, Jack on his gurney as they moved him out. Ratchet was angry of course, shouting at soldiers and at doctors to do something. Jack wheezed weakly and coughed as he started to wake up. Bumblebee rushed in and gripped the gurney, shaking his head angrily. He motioned around to try and get them to stop and explain the situation.

The young woman hurried over and began speaking to soldiers who stopped moving the gurney. "We need you both to move, he is being transferred." A soldier spoke seriously.

Jack slowly looked around then over to Ratchet as he grunted weakly and reached for him. "Why?" Bumblebee forced himself to say as he watched the men. This didn't make any sense. 

Ratchet shoved himself forward, pushing passed people angrily. "My son is not going anywhere!" He shouted furiously, desperate and scared to lose another family member. He grabbed the railing of the gurney and began pulling him back to the room. 

The soldier glared at the doctor and looked at the blonde. "That is none of your business." He spat before going to stop the old doctor. Bumblebee shook his head not wanting his friend to lose his family. He knew there was something he could do. He had to show them. He grabbed the soldier and pulled him away and down the hallway. The soldier growled as he was pulled away and elbowed him to his face, glaring at the man that wouldn't allow him to do his job.

Jack rasped quietly and gripped his stepfather's hand. "Dad... it's... alright... don't... fight them... I'll be... okay..." he whispered as tears filled his eyes. He didn't want to lose him either and was honestly afraid of what was going to happen. 

Ratchet shook his head and gripped his hand tightly. "I'm not letting you go. If you're going I'm coming with you." He spoke seriously, glaring at the men around them. Riley spotted what looked like a photograph in the Colonels hands and frowned. 

She looked around then ran to Ethan, speaking quietly to him. Ethan went to the Colonel and spoke to him in hushed voices. The Colonel looked to Ratchet and grunted. "I suppose he can come with." He muttered bitterly.


Bumblebee blinked back the pain and knew he'd get into more trouble but he had to help his friend. He hugged the man from behind and pinned his arms to his side. He glanced around through his pained tears as he tried desperately to help his friends.

The soldier struggled against him, stomping on his foot and elbowing him in the side to try and get free. "Let go of me!" He shouted. Two men ran over and began pulling Bumblebee off the soldier, taking out cuffs.

The scout shook his head and struggled as he resisted. He felt his instincts kick in and he struggled more as they trapped him. His mind instantly went to get free and run. More soldiers ran and worked on pinning him down as they yelled. He shouted silently as tears and blood fell down his face. His eyes wide as they pinned him and cuffed him. He yelled for help, though it was silent, and he started to panic. His mind flashing to when he was fighting cons. Ratchet glanced over and saw, he managed to read a word from the scout's lips. Optimus. He was calling for his leader's help. He was desperate and panicked. But Ratchet couldn't help as he turned the corner. 

Bumblebee looked around and he watched as his friend left him there. He left him. Abandoned. He stared blankly and stopped fighting as he felt defeated. He rested his head against the floor and gave up.


Jack stared at his father and nodded slowly as he started to close his eyes. He winced and looked at him again. "Skye... Miko and the boys... they'll be here soon... tomorrow..." he rasped as tears fell down his face. "Riley..." he rasped and looked at Ethan as well. "Please... why... are they... taking me?" He asked. 

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