Chapter Twenty Nine

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Ratchet looked down to the floor as he began shaking more. "I'm fine, Skye... don't worry about me." He muttered, knowing she had to go. It scared him. He wanted to beg her to stay again but it was no use. He took a few breaths before opening the door slowly. He hugged her tightly. "Be safe." He whispered seriously. 

She looked at the door as it opened then stepped back for a moment. She blinked in surprise and hugged him tightly as she buried her face in his neck. "It's okay... I always come back..." she muttered. "Enjoy your time with the family... I'll be back." She promised. 

He held her tighter, frowning deeply. "I know... but I can't ever be too sure." He whispered, referring to how he was close to losing June and Optimus... and possibly Smokescreen. He didn't let her go.

She stared blankly for a moment then hugged him tighter as she shook with fear. "I don't want to go... but I have to help..." she whispered. 

"I know." He muttered quietly. "I can't stop any Darby." He snorted a little, smiling a bit. He gently began stroking her hair. "We... will be here." He whispered sadly.

"I know... I don't want to lose my family... I just got them back." She choked and looked at him. Her phone beeped again and she sighed forcefully then fought back tears. "I love you..."

Ratchet cupped her face with his hands, rubbing her cheek gently. "I love you too..." he whispered and began letting her go slowly.

She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded slowly. "Stay here with them... please..." she whispered knowing he wanted to leave. She looked at him then went to say goodbye to her family. She hugged her mother and explained things then looked to the boys and hugged them. They wanted to go with her but she knew they couldn't. She shook her head and told them to see Jack first. 

The doctor frowned and watched her go. He went to his room. Her older brothers hugged her tightly. "We will." Hunter muttered. "Just be careful..." he said worriedly. "We just got to be together again."

"I'll be back... I promise." She whispered as she hugged him tightly then hugged Adrien. She smiled sadly and left the home. Silently hoping Ratchet would take the time to appreciate the family being together. She feared he wouldn't and feared she wouldn't return. 

Hunter sighed and went to the couch, sitting on the armrest next to Wheeljack as Adrien sat down next to the couch. "So, are you guys hungry? I'm sure you all want showers and rest." Sari smiled as she looked at them, glad they made it here.

"Please..." Miko whispered and looked at her. "We need to see Jack soon..." she whispered.

"Let me see what I can do. And we have two showers for you guys to use." Rafael said as he smiled slightly. "I'll be back. Make yourself at home and get something to eat." He said as he smiled and glanced to the other room. He was worried about Ratchet and went to make some calls.

Sari nodded. "I know..." she spoke quietly and then looked to her husband then back to them. "Rafael is right. Make yourself at home and we will handle Jack's situation." Sari added. Riley nodded a little in agreement.

"I... I'll head back to the military base, where he is located. I can try to do more for him." Riley spoke softly, adjusting her glasses as she grabbed her bag and phone. "I'll come back with news." She said calmly and began leaving the home.

Adrien sighed, looked exhausted. "I want a long nap." He muttered, rubbing his brown sleepy eyes. "Why do things have to be difficult? We're already back home and together. What would they want with Dad?" He frowned.

"It's.... complicated..." Raf said as he looked at them then went back to the other room.

They spent the next little while getting cleaned up and taking naps towards the afternoon. Rafael and Quinn cleaned up a little as everyone went down for bed. Sari sat at the table helping with dinner as the room remained silent. Between Raf, Riley and Fowler they got permission to move Jack back over and free him. They didn't see anything wrong and found him innocent, for now. Bumblebee was a harder case at the moment. The young father looked at Quinn then quietly went to talk with Ratchet. Worried he was upset now.

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