Chapter Three

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Ratchet looked over the list and sighed softly. He would check Jack last, knowing he needed rest. He then frowned, wondering if Skye even knew. He glanced out the windows as he looked at the apartments not far as he walked. He stared before going into the patients rooms, checking on each.

Throughout the day he checked on people and managed to help a few. He then went to one room where a young man sat in a chair, waiting for a check up. He had one leg and his other was missing from the knee down. He looked sick and a young boy sat in his lap as he clung to him. 

Ratchet walked over to them and frowned a bit. "Hello, my name is Doctor Darby. I'm here to give you a check up, alright?" He asked gently as he set the clipboard to the side. 

The young man looked at him tiredly then nodded a little. "Alright..." he rasped weakly. The boy watched the doctor then hugged the man tightly as he whimpered.

Ratchet frowned as he looked at them. He slowly knelt down. "Hi young one. I need you to let go of him so I can check on him. Can you do that for me?" He asked, his voice gentle and kind as he looked at the young boy.

The boy shook his head as he watched him then buried his face again. "Hey... Elliott please... he won't hurt you... you can sit on the chair and watch him." He whispered quietly.

Ratchet frowned deeply. "I'll only be a moment. I promise." He said gently, trying to persuade the boy. "You want him to get better don't you?" 

He nodded as he kept his face buried and he tightened his grip. He was shaking with fear and the young man whispered quietly. He talked to him for a moment then the boy calmed. He slowly let go and sat on the chair by him. Ratchet watched with silence. He then took the stethoscope off his neck and placed it in his ears. He gripped the bell and set the diaphragm against his chest.

"Take in a deep breath for me." He muttered, frowning as he glanced at the boy, recognizing this was Robin's younger brother and the young man was presumably her older brother. 

Elliott watched him intently as his brother inhaled shakily and exhaled again. He wheezed weakly and coughed a little.

Ratchet frowned and repositioned the diaphragm. "Again." He mumured as he listened to his lungs and heartbeat. The older brother did and winced as he breathed in and out. He coughed painfully and shook his head. Elliott watched him and whimpered quietly. 

Ratchet frowned and took off the stethoscope. "Did anyone here diagnose you with anything? Did you have anything in the past?" He asked, staring at the young man with concern.

"No... other than my wound..." he whispered quietly and looked at his leg. Elliott glanced at the bandages of his slowly healing injury. 

Ratchet nodded a bit and began standing. "Are you having any other troubles other than coughing? Is your throat sore or itchy? Are you nauseous?"

"Sort of nauseous... fever... tired... that's about all." He whispered quietly and looked at him. Elliott watched the doctor then looked at the bandages and pointed.

Ratchet glanced at the boy and furrowed his eyebrows. He looked to the bandages and he began putting on gloves before gently unwrapping it to take a look. "You could have the flu." He said quietly.

The older brother nodded slowly as he looked at him and rubbed his face. He was tired and needed rest. Elliott watched the doctor for a while then glanced at his brother. Ratchet finished and saw his wound was infected and it was bad. Ratchet frowned deeply at it, seeing the puffiness of the wound. He went over to the cabniets and grabbed cotton balls and some alcohol.

"This may sting." He muttered as he walked back to him and sat by his chair, pouring the liquid onto the cotton ball. He gently began dabbing it on his wound. "When was the last time these bandages were replaced?" 

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