Chapter Twenty One

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Ratchet didn't look at him right away, lost in thought, thinking about his family and worrying. He sighed softly as he looked at him finally. "You're not going to leave and save people like that are you?" He asked. Bumblebee blinked in surprise then furrowed his brow. Confused by what he meant. He glanced at Jack then to the hallway before writing on the paper he brought. 

-I'm not sure what you mean... but it's our job to help these people.

Ratchet looked down at it and read it, frowning. "That isn't what I mean... I just..." he looked away. "How are we supposed to save people without our real forms? We are going to get ourselves killed. More than before." he muttered. Bumblebee shook his head with determination and looked at him. He then wrote again. He didn't want his friend to be filled with despair. 

-That's what we've been doing. All of us... helping everyone where we can and when we can. Even if we are stuck. 

The doctor sighed heavily as he read his writing. "Bumblebee, this isn't like it was before. Decepticons have weapons, they're bigger than us... we are humans. What can we do? We have no use. Human weaponry is nothing compared to our technology and you know that. It's better to stay underground where it is safe." He spoke seriously. The scout narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. He stood up and shook his head as he fought back tears. He wrote again as he felt his anger grow. He gave it back to him and shook his head. 

-No. We can't give up. Optimus is out there and wouldn't want us to give up. He would fight until he couldn't anymore. I won't give up on them.

Ratchet took the paper and read it. He sighed forcefully and looked away, crumpling the paper as he knew he was right. His own anger rose in frustration. "Bumblebee..." he hesitated, but knew he could trust him as he stood. "I'm scared. I don't want to lose anyone else. I can't be the doctor I was before. I can't fix you if you get hurt like before! I'm human and I am still unfamiliar with a lot of human diseases and treatments! If you or Skye, or anyone else gets hurt in this form I can't fix you!" He shouted, his eyes filling with tears. "I need June, Bumblebee! She knows what to do but I don't and I don't trust a single doctor here!" He shouted, hurt and fear in his voice as he slumped back down into the chair, trembling. 

Bumblebee blinked in surprise and stared at him. He had no idea his friend felt this way. He slowly sat by him and silently gripped his arm. Unable to speak due to the lack of paper.  Ratchet trembled and rubbed his forehead quietly, frowning deeply to himself. His lip quivered and he took deep breaths to calm down. "Sorry..." he whispered and slowly handed the crumpled piece of paper back to him. The young man smiled sadly as he watched his friend. He carefully undid the paper and slowly wrote. He handed it back and looked at him with concern. 

-You don't... remember everything... do you?

Ratchet was still for a long moment before looking at the paper. He frowned deeper and shook his head. "I don't remember a lot." He whispered sadly, looking away. Bumblebee shook his head, not wanting him to feel bad about his situation, as he wrote.

-Don't feel bad... can you remember anything?

The older man looked down, thinking silently. After a long moment he shook his head. "I can't recall a lot of what happened when we were... when we were in our bot forms. I know who each of you are but... that is it."

Bumblebee nodded slowly and glanced at the strange scars again. He wondered what they were and wanted to ask. He felt bad that this happened to his friend. Ratchet noticed his stare and quietly ran his hand over his hair, pressing it onto the scars to hide them. He looked away silently, trembling at the thought of the scars. "Don't worry about them." He muttered.

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