Chapter Fourteen

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A few hours went by and he didn't hear from them as time passed, it was growing dark and he started to worry when he heard a knock on the door. It opened and he saw Sam holding Skye as he wheezed weakly. His throat was bleeding and he was covered in dirt and bruises.

Ratchets eyes widened and he hurried from the dining table over to them. He helped the two inside and over onto a couch. He had them sit down as he rushed off to grab a First Aid kit. He soon returned and sat by Sam, frowning deeply as he began tending to his injury. "Is Skye alright?" He asked quietly.

Sam nodded tiredly and made sure she was laying on the couch comfortably. He put a blanket over her then sat at the table. He let the man work as he stared blankly. He didn't know what to do or how to explain things. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt lightheaded.

The doctor was silent and he gently cleaned his throat and began placing gauze on it before wrapping his neck in a bandage. His eyebrows furrowed and he stood, grabbing water from the fridge before coming back and handing it to him. "Easy." he murmured softly with concern.

The other man smiled a little and carefully drank it then shook his head. "I... guess... I was... never meant... to talk..." he rasped quietly and choked a little as he coughed painfully. He shook his head and set the glass by him on the table. "Thank you..." he whispered, is voicing leaving slowly.

Ratchet frowned and gently set his hand on his hair, looking down at him. "Don't say that." He whispered then sighed. "You're welcome, Bumblebee." He murmured and began taking a seat again. "Raf will be glad to know you're alive."

He nodded slowly and smiled a little as he watched him. "I've... only been back... here for... a few months... I meant to contact you... sooner..." he rasped and coughed painfully as he turned away. The more he spoke the more his voice disappeared. He coughed again and looked at him tiredly. "I've... been monitoring... con... activity... and keeping... an eye out... for them... in the city... a... lot of the team is..." he coughed again and squeezed his eyes shut in pain. "Ratchet... the... we..." his voice sounded strange now, almost robotic but not.

Ratchet frowned and gently set a hand on his arm. "Stop. Your straining yourself. If you need to tell me something then write it, alright? You should rest, I'm sure you have been through a lot." He spoke quietly, worry spreading across his face. "Just try to relax. You're safe here."

"I... can't... I have to... ex.. e..." he trailed off and continued to talk but his voice was gone. He rasped weakly but still nothing came out. He sighed forcefully and shook his head then looked at his hands. He nodded again and let him finish. The scouts voice was gone once again.

The old medic's expression fell some and he stood up. "Let's get you to a bed and have you rest." He muttered. "You can take my room." He said as he went to go check on Skye, sitting down next to her. "Tomorrow you can explain things to me."

The scout sighed shakily and nodded then got up and went to the other room but paused at the living room. He watched him then sat on the floor by his side. Skye seemed alright for the most part except for being exhausted from trying to find him. She just needed rest and food. Ratchet pulled the blanket up to her chin, frowning with worry. He made sure she was comfortable before leaning back on the couch, releasing a heavy sigh. He closed his eyes for a long moment, feeling a little drained. Bumblebee watched his friend then got up and made him a hot drink. He gave it to him then smiled a little before going to lay down. He was real, and the doctor realized he wasn't crazy.

The doctor smiled a bit as he took it, relieved to be home with his granddaughter and an old friend. "Thank you." He murmured as he began drinking it. He visibly relaxed and closed his eyes again for a long time. He leaned his head against the man's shoulder tiredly before opening his eyes. "We should bring Rafs family here for safety. Whoever that con was targeted me and Skye. They know we are here... we need to bring us all together again." The doctor proposed.

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