Chapter 3; 'You weren't There' ( asking permission)

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I came home around 8. After talking to Sammie for like 2 hours. It was hilarious! I got to know her and she's UNBELIEVABLE. I actually got to know somuch about her that I see her as a best friend maybe even an older sister. Her full name is Samantha Elizabeth Counterburry, but everyone calls her Sammie. She's 24 and in a relationship. She loves dancing and adores the movie grease. She graduated when she was 18 and worked as assitent for an unknown manager. But  after a few months she stopped because she actually did all the work and her boss took the credit. So after she left, a few clients came running to her cause she did an amazing job and that's how she became manager. Simon hired her as manager from some group named 'One Direction'. I swear to God that I've heard that name before... I just can't put my finger on it. Oh well, I'll find out soon enough because I'll have to style them. I wonder what they look like and how they are... If they're serious and boring I'll probably be on the next plane back home. I hate it when people are to serious, it makes me feel so annoyed. Anyways me and Sam talked for 2 hours straight about the most pointless things ever. We would've stayed there the whole after noon but around 5.30 her phone rang and she had to go. We said goodbye and well, both went our seperate ways. She back to her office and I was going to the mall cause I mean, that was my plan all along right? To go shopping and have some fun? Life just gave it a little twist.

Later I came home to what looked like an empty house and since all the cars are gone, I figured nobody's home yet. Ahh wel, I'm kinda used to it by now. Mom's a bussines woman, you know? She works hard almost every day from early in the morning 'till late in the night. I barely see her and sometimes, that really upsets me. But it's her career? And she loves her job, so who am I to complain? she's doing this all for me. And dad? He's a lawyer and he had to go to court this morning and I guess his client won an they're out celebrating. Knowing my dad he'll be home soon for his 'Evening-Hug'. I have this father that's unbelievable cool and relaxed, aldo he is a lawyer. But he takes alot of time off just so we can do things together. I'm sure gonna miss that when I'm in London. But I'll survive.

An opening door disturbed my thoughts, my mom walked in looking as good as ever. Aldo she is wearing a suit like Sammie's. But it kinda suits her better. " Hey honey, how was your day?"

"Good, how was yours?" I asked while following her into the kitchen.

"Alot of meetings, complaining co-workers and the coffee machine was broken AGAIN. But besides that, it was good." She said smiling tiredly."So sweety, tell me what you did today, I want to hear something interesting for once' I giggled.

" I should start from the beginning right? Cause it's been a crazy day for me" I said smiling walking towards the coutch.

"Well babe, you're making me very interested. Tell me ALL about it. It's been awhile sinds we talked." That last part kinda hurt me a little. But the way she said it like 'Its no big deal that we haven't talked for weeks'. That pissed me off. But I let it slide because off my good mood.

'Well, first I woke up having this amazing mood, but then Nigel walked in and ruined it for me. Then I decided to go to the mall cause I had nothing else to do and it's been a while."

She interupted: "Amber, tell me you didn't buy anything? You closet is about to explode!"Haha, my mom, atleast she knows something about me.

"No mom, I didn't buy anuything, don't interupt!" She rolled her eyes and continued listening. " So cause it was heavenly weather.I took a walk through the park and some idiots were playing football and then suddenly a ball hit my head. Then this really cute guy came up to me and we talked or wel I argued with him and he tried to be nice."

And mom interupted again. "You'll never find a guy if you aren't nice to them."

"MOOOOMMMM, don't interupt. And he ruined my T-shirt, luckily I  could get them stains out. So anyways, to make it up to me he gave me a number of a manager who still searched a stylist aaaannnnddd I go the job!!!!!!!!" My mom looked speechless. I hope this is good, but I have a bad feeling about this.

"Oh my God Amber! I'm so proud of you. Where will you be working?  I would love to see it." Well it's now or never.

"I'll be working in London, I-I mean if you give me permission." From this moment it all went down hill.

Her face hardend and she was wide awake: " Amber Sabrina Samuels! You're not leaving this country, you're quiting that job right away!"

The fuck? Did she really just say quit your dreamjob? Why? Caus she's a selfish bitch who doesn't want to see me happy. "No way in HELL I'm going to give up MY DREAMJOB. Cause the woman who I see once a month and calls herself a MOM tells me too!" Uh-oh, that one just slipped out but it hit her right where I wanted it.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, your gonna give up that job cause there's noway I'm letting you leave, all the way to England. In fact your not even leaving this house anymore! Your grounded for the whole week!" What... but the plane to England leaves in 3 days. Samantha told me she'd pick me up around 8. Now my dream, my job, their all floating away because off my mom.

Tears are running down my cheeks. "F*** you, I HATE YOU , you were NEVER a mom to me and I'll NEVER EVER EVER forgive you for having to quit my job because of you and your stupid reasons. You weren't here, you never were here for me SO WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! I HATE YOU AND I HOPE YOU DIE IN HELL." And with that I stomped out of the room leaving my mom there shocked with tears in her eyes. Did I really tell my mom to die in hell? I didn't mean it. I-I, oh it doesn't matter anymore, I said it and now she'll hate me forever. I cried my eyes out untill I heard a soft knock on the door. "A-Amber honey, I-I'm so sorry." My mom stuttered, walking towards my bed with tears running down her cheek.

"No mom, I am. It's just. That's my dreamjob and you're telling me to quit it. I just don't get why, you know I can take care off myself, I've done it sinds I was 10. Mom I love you, but right now, I-I'm just to hurt." I said crying in my knees.

"Honey," She said while sitting next to me and rubbing my back. "It's just, I barely see you and the thought of you leaving. I-I panicked. Amber, I want the best for you, I swear and-and if you really want to go. I-I guess I wont stop you." I hugged her and we cried into eachother's shoulder.

"You-you r-really mean that?" I looked up hopefully. She wiped my tears away and looked me in the eyes. "I really do, but on 2 conditions. 1. You'll call, text or skipe atleast one a day and 2. You'll make me proud of you and you're beautiful work, kay?" I giggled while 2 little tears escaped my eyes. I hugged her. " I promise."


Awhhhhh <3 Beautiful mommy-daughter moment. I'm sorry if there's not much 1D in it. I Pinky Promise that there will be alot of 1D in the next chapters.

HEY You, You're a beauty ;d

Love you loads!!!!! <3


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