Chapter 25: Forbidden

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Hi Guys, sorry it took me a while to update but I had a block on this story, the next chapter just didn't come to mind ;o But here it is :D So in caution of the following chapters: This will content some (alot) Haylor hate, I'm intiteled to my opinion and this is my story so if you don't want to read, then stop reading here :) xx

~AmberStyles<3 (I changed this signoff to the one of the page I admin ;) )


Amber's P.o.v.

* The next day*

I woke up to a gentle kiss being pressed onto my lips. My eyes slowly opened and showed the most gorgeous guy on this planet, Harry. "Morning beautiful." Harry smiled as he pulled me close. Right here, this moment, just felt like almost perfect. Why did I say almost? Because my mind related this moment to the one I shared with Louis the first morning I spend in this house. I just don't understand why, I love Harry and he loves me. I'm in his arms and this all felt so right so why did my mind need to involve Louis into this?. "Morning Handsome." I yawned as I cuddled into his chest. "Want to go out today?" Harry smirked as he pushed my head up to meet his edmerald green eyes. "I don't know, why?" I grinned back. "Because I want to show you of babez." He replied while nuzzeling his face into my neck.

His cruls tickled the side of my neck and I felt Harry place kisses on my neck. He found my sweet spot and sucked on it lightly. "What are you doing?" I moaned as I squirmed a little. He knew I was a virgin and this was still a little new to me. "I'm marking what's mine." Harry smirked as he kept sucking and nibbeling on the same spot. Marking what's his? "You're such a weirdo." I giggled as I pushed him off. He inspected my neck and smiled. "That should do it for now." He winked. I'm happy he didn't want me to do the same... "Aren't you going to do it back?" He joked as I stood up. Woops, spoke to soon. "No, because if I did, you're million other girlfriends and wifes will kill me." I mocked. "Awh." He fake pouted, leaving me to giggle at him.


Downstairs, everyone was wide awake and having a big arguement. "HEY!" I shouted as I watched Louis and Zayn wrestle and Liam and Niall having a loud discussion. "What the- WHAT'S GOING ON!" I growled as I watched poor Nialler look down sad and Zayn groan on the ground. "We -uhm.." Liam and Louis started. "You know what nevermind, Nialler you ok?" He shook his head and came to give me a hug. "Niall, what's wrong?" "Danielle called Liam to tell me Demi kissed another guy." He said sadly. "Let's go to starbucks and talk about it, okay?" He nodded.

Harry walked down the stairs eyeing us weirdly. "Horan, don't steal my girl." He joked. Niall peered up and glared at him. " I am not the one you should worry about." He growled as he looked back to Zayn who stood there in shame. I guess I have an idea about what happened. "I'm taking Niall out babe, I'll see you when I get back." I smiled as I ran up the stairs to get dressed.

*At Starbucks."

After a really awkward and silent carride, me and Niall entered Starbucks and took place at the table after we ordered our drinks. "Why do I have the feeling that Zayn is involved in all this?" I questioned as I watch Niall twiddle his thumb. "Zayn was the one who kissed Demi." He whispered with tears in his eyes. "Tell me what happened Niall." He sighed. "Yesterday night Liam, Dani, Demi and Zayn went out to the club, Me and Louis din't tag along as we weeren't in a partying mood. And I guess you and Harry know where you went. Later that night Zayn and Liam came home, Zayn totally hammered and Liam grumpier then ever. This morning I woke up and went downstairs, finding Liam at the phone and Zayn sitting at the table with a hangover. I gave him some advil and Louis came downstairs and laughed with Zayn's horrible mood. Then Liam returned and gave Zayn a dead glare and told me the horrible news about my girlfriend cheating. I felt the tears sting behind my eyes and one escaped my eyes. Louis was mad at the person who kissed Demi, and when he understood why Liam was glaring at Zayn he went bonkers. I started arguing with Liam in the hope he'd say he was lying or joking, but I knew he wasn't. Then you came downstairs and settled us down again." He said, his voice cracking at times.

I felt so bad for Niall, but I'm pretty sure Zayn wouldn't do such thing. "Niall, Zayn is your friend and he wouldn't do that mate. You said he was hammered, and Demi could've taken advantage of that." I replied as I patted his shoulder. "She wouldn't." He snapped back and instantly regretted it as he saw me pull back a little, shocked he'd snap at me. "Niall, You know how she looked at Zayn at the making of LWWY, she looks like the kind of person whojust wants the fame." I whispered cautionly. "I guess, but ... You're right." He argued with himself. "She wasn't your princess, but you're one step closer to your real one." I smiled at him as I sipped from my laté. He smiled sadly. "I guess so."


Me and Niall talked for a little while after that and he told me he felt alot better. Once we arrived home I saw Liam give Zayn a big speech, Louis looking at him in discust and Harry just sitting there, shocked. I hugged Zayn and told the others that Niall forgave him so they should move on to. Zayn thanked me and apologized to Niall, saying he really didn't know what he was doing. The others agreed with me, only Louis seemed still slightly upset. "C'mon Louis." I winked as I sat on his lap. "Are you really going to be the only one holding a grudge." I pouted jokingly. He sighed and scooped me up. "For you, I'll forgive him." Harry glared lightly and took me away from him. "She's mine!" He mocked while hugging me close. "I figured." Louis said while rolling his eyes. "I saw the huge lovebite on her neck, smooth Styles." He added as he patted his back. "I know." He smiled "Now if you guys excuse us, we're going shopping." Harry smiled and put me down. "LEGGO!" I cheered as I walked out the door.

"HARRY!" I whined as I tried to get him into my favourite dress store. "I don't wanna." He said like a 5 year old. He's such a - WAIT I have an idea! "Oh well, then I'll just have to call the others and ask them to come and watch me model some really cute dresses." I fake sighed while searching Liam's number. "Wow wow wow." He said as he scooped me up. "I was just joking." He continued. "I knew that dillweed." I smiled while jumping out his arms and lacing my fingers around his.

"What you think of this one?" I smiled at Harry while twirling around in a beautiful dress. " You look amazing." He smirked. A^phone started ringing and Harry picked up. "Hi Simon... Yeah... Yes but... But we... Alright." He sighed as he ended the call. "We need to go to management, there are some ... issues involving us." Awh that's sad, we were having such a great time. "Fine, I guess I'll come back later." I sighed and walked back towards the chaning rooms.

*At management office.*

"Maaannn, this place is creepy." I said while Harry dragged me around the 5th floor of their recording building. I'm not aloud in here unless it's urgent, Sammy told me that loud and clearly. "I know, hush up,where here." Harry whispered while knocking on a door. "Enter." A stern voice said and the seriousness of this situation hit me. What have I done?

Entering the room, the one and only Simon Cowell sat behind his huge desk. "Mister Styles, Miss Samuels. Take a seat." Simon said firmly as he leaned forward and entwined his hands together. "I've been seeing pictures around the internet about you and Harry supposively dating?" He asked straight to the point. "Yes sir, those rumours are also true." Harry smiled while he laced our fingers together again.  "Well, then I'm sorry to tell you but this can't continue, you have to breakup." Simon said back sternly. "You've got to be kidding me?" I piped in as I watched Simon in disbelief. "Miss Samuels, Harry has a bad reputation already and you would only make it worse." "SHE WOULDN'T." Harry growled angerily. "Mister styles, you have to loose the attitude against your boss. You 2 are not aloud to date in public and to make sure you don't try to come out with it and ruin your career. You're getting a fake girfriend." Simon said back annoyed. "I don't want a fake girlfriend to cover up my real one." Harry snapped. "Well you're getting one or else Miss Samuels will lose her job and go home." Simon said, his face showing no emotion. "You can't-" "We'll do it." I interupted Harry. He turned his attention towards me and pulled his hand away, giving me the "What-the-fuck-look.

Simon smiled at me and said: "Alright then, Harry meet your new girlfriend, America's sweetheart, Taylo Swift." And with that, in walked a lovely and friendly looking blonde. "Hi, nice to meet you." She smiled nicely. If only I knew that that smile would be the end of me...


Ooooooh Taylor's trouble ;d Amber Should've known that when she walked in ^^ Sorry, I had to ;) Anyways. 3 votes for the next chapter :) x WARNING: The next chapter's are going to be alot of drama ;d xx


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