Chapter 31: A day away from it all

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Harry didn't sleep next to me tonight. He came home late after yet another date. Taylor will move in in about 3 days and would stay here until the end of my stay. That sucked balls but I found my peace with it... Kinda...sorta. Okay I was exploding at the thought of her being here but I kept my mouth quiet. Harry promised me we'd have the whole day to ourselves before she would arrive. He insisted on it and I guess Simon threw him a bone. We've been following the rules quite nicely the last couple of days. I'm at the half of my stay now, one more month and I leave this unforgettable house. I wonder how life will go once imp back home...

Louis broke my endless train of thought by sneaking into my room. "Louis, it's 6am, the hell are you doing up already?" I muttered. Mad at the fact I only had about 5 hours of sleep. "Grab your stuff we're going on our adventure remember?" I slowly got out of my bed and walked towards the bathroom. I had already picked out an outfit and my things were packed. I just really didn't expect to leave this early.

When we both were done it was about a quarter to seven. Louis jumped into his cooper and slowly pulled out of the driveway. "First stop: Starbucks" he cheered. "Talk about a good morning" I winked as Louis was searching a radio channel that featured music he liked. He stopped at the all too familiar new hit from 1D came on. "You have got to be kidding me" I laughed. He just shrugged and started singing along with his beautiful voice. I remained silent and enjoyed the peacefulness of this moment.

Walking into Starbucks, the place was still rather empty. Louis went to place our orders and I chose our seats, somewhere near the back where no one would see us. He gave me my latté and started making small talk. I usually don't enjoy that in the morning but Louis had a soft voice and he already cheered me up a bit. "So amber I have a little surprise for you." I gasped, very curious about what was going to happen next. He opened his backpack and got a beautiful box out that was neatly wrapped in golden wrapping paper and decorated with a big sloppy bow. I slowly opened the box to see a Polaroid camera glancing at me along with fotostrips and everything. I gasped in excitement and almost threw over Lou's coffee as I bend over the table to give him a hug. "How'd you know I wanted this?" I asked, fully focused on the camera. "Truthfully I didn't but I always loved Polaroid pictures and this one seemed to fit you well so I bought it and made them put your name on the side as well. I smiled sheepishly. "Thank you so much Lou this is already turning out to be a great day!" I sat down next to Louis and told him to pick up his Starbucks and make silly faces with me. We snapped 2 adorable pictures and I slipped them into a case Louis had placed underneath the camera in the box. He knew we would have a lot of pictures by the end of the day.

Back in the car we blasted the radio and danced like idiots to the most random of songs. When Louis wasn't looking I snapped a beautiful picture of him singing while driving the car. "So captain where to now? I asked, pretending to salute him. "I thought we could kick of our day with a morning trip to the zoo." His eyes shimmered, he must really like the zoo. We hopped out of the car and as on cue my cellphone vibrated.  It's around 9 o'clock, so I figure the boys will be up by now.

From Hazz<3

"Hey where are you? I wanted to wake you up but you weren't in bed. You out for a walk or something?"

I got conflicted as to what I wanted to say. What if he made me come home because he didn't want anymore 'amouis' rumors? I showed the text to Louis. He shrugged and said: "just turn off your phone once you have answered."

To Hazz<3

I'm having a day away from it all. I'll be home late, don't wait up.

Okay so maybe the text was a little vague and maybe that'll make harry worried a little more. But as usual he has a date with Taylor this afternoon so he won't complain that long. I shut off my phone and Louis did the same. "This is our day, you've got my undivided attention." He winked. Louis really cares about me and he shows me in every way possible. He would do anything to make me happy, I've got the best friend in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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