Chapter 29:

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Updating! :D Just cause I can ;d


Amber's p.o.v.

I stare at Harry who's just leaning against my doorframe. I don't know what to do or say and in all honesty I was expecting the worst but to my suprise, he just smiled. "W-we're watching a movie... You-uhm , wanna join?" I gulped. "No Thanks, Amber can we talk for a minute?" On the outside I looked calm while on the inside all my alarmbells were ringing. "S-sure?" What else was I supposed to say? No? Yeah like he'd like that.

I nervously got up and took his outstrechted hand. The boys were all watching us carefully and as safe as that made me feel, the moment the door slammed shut I felt scared. Was he gonna yell at me again? Was he gonna break up with me? All these questions haunted me while he pulled me downstairs and onto the couch. Silence fell upon us as he just stared at me while I stared at my hands.

"You're mad aren't you?" He said plainly as his lips were pressed into a thin line. "No." I whisper as I look up. "Than what?" He asked confused. "I'm hurt, tha's all." His eyes softened as he reached out towards my arm. Because his movements were so sudden I could only back away which ofcourse confused him and you could see it in his eyes that that clearly hurt him as well. "You're scared." He whispered as he retrieved his hands and stared blankly ahead, not meeting my gaze. I couldn't say I wasn't scared cause I never had someone burstout against me like a few hours ago. I just never saw him as the jealous type. His jealous side scared me.

He scared me.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say. He didn't look at me. "No I'm sorry." He mumbled as he looked at me with glazed eyes. "Harry..." I sighed as I moved closer. "What's with you lately? Why are you so sensitive? Are you on your period?" I reasoned as he chuckled lightly. "I guess you could say that." His famous smirk appeared as he stared at me with his eyes still teary. "Oh come here you." I smiled as I pulled him in for a hug. I smiled softly when I felt him return the hug immediatly.

After about 5 minutes of a big silent bearhug we pulled apart and I started to hear him out. "Now tell me, what's up? Cause if I'm not mistaken in my biology and such, boys clearly can't haven periods." He smiled softly and than just looked down. "I-I just, I don't know. The whole Fake dating Taylor thing and the fans loving 'Amouis'. It's just so stressfull ya know?" He sighed. The guilt washed over me. Both were partly my fault, both were taking the best out of Harry.

I sighed deeply as my eyes fell to the floor aswell. It wasn't long before 2 muscled arms wrapped them around me and ushered me onto Harry's lap. "Babe, this isn't your fault okay?" I looked at him in disbelief. "How is this not my fault?" I asked dumbfounded. "Simon would've made me date Taylor eather way, I would've caved because the only card he could play was sending you home which I, ofcourse, Don't want. And about 'Amouis'. Well. The fans love you guys because your both crazy bestfriends. Louis Twitter is filled with pictures of you two while mine only holds one because Simon doesn't let me upload anymore. I can understand that they would love you two together. Louis never been happier." A frustrated sigh left both my lips and his. "I'm not Lou's girlfriend." I stated firmly. "I know that love, I just wish the world would know that. It's only been a few days and I already feel like screaming that Taylor's a coverup & that you, YOU are the real deal."

"Have you asked simon why we are so wrong?" I asked irritated. "He said that dating with your stylist will only bring more trouble and the fans will hate you because you only worked for us and suddenly got 'promoted' to girlfriend." "That's Bull." I scoffed while crossing my arms. "I know but we can't change it" Harry sighed as he kissed my shoulder and snuggled into it "If only this could be more fun" He said, his voice muffled by my shoulder

"We can make a game out of it." I whispered playfully while Harry head shot up. "How?" He asked confused but very interested at the same time. I jumped off his lap and pulled him up. " WE CAN SNEAK AROUND!" I winked. "And again... How?"  I rolled my eyes at him. "Well my dearest Harry, we could make this like a game. We transform ourselves in totally diffrent persons. I mean I, as your stylist, can transform us both in 2 unknown people." I smiled proudly. "Go on." He said with a wicked grin. "I can get us, wigs, contacts, clothes, moustaches! Whatever the Hell we want!" "Say no more I'm in! You're amazing babe." He winked as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my nose. "You know it." I winked.

"Race ya to the upstairs?" I challenged as I ran up the stairs, soon to be followed by my favourite curly haired boy. It's these times I love the most.


Okay so this chapter was complete and other Bull but since it's been soooo long I had to give you guys something so ... yeah here it is! I've been thinking about deleting Wptcs and DLM from this account and post it onto another one but I'm still not so sure about it. I have TONS of new ideas & I guess I wanna stop the old stuff and start some new things. I'm still not sure though, I'll see what I'll do :) Anyways

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