Chapter 9

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Tadashi's POV

I made it to my house without any incident. I parked my moped and made my way inside. As I closed the door Aunt Cass called out, "Tadashi? Is that you sweetie?". "Yeah, it's me", I responded. I climbed the stairs and saw Aunt Cass in the kitchen." Hey! You came home a little late then usual, I was getting a bit worried" she said. "Sorry Aunt Cass, I was giving Kitiara a ride home". "Aww, that's so sweet of you! How is she by the way?". I placed my helmet on the couch and walked over to the kitchen counter." She's doing pretty good, she's actually attending SFIT". "Oh! So that's where she's going, that's wonderful to hear ", said Aunt Cass." Yeah, we actually had lunch together, and she got to meet the gang", I said smiling." Aww, she's already making friends, that's great!", Aunt Cass said excitedly.

I chuckled at my Aunt's excitement. "Oh what do you have there?", she asked pointing at the bag in my hand, "Oh! This... actually Kitiara gave it to me. She said to open it when we are all together. Where's Hiro?"." Right behind you bro", I turned around seeing Hiro coming down the stairs. "What's up, and what's in the bag", he asked walking up to us. "That's what we're about to find out", I placed the bag on the counter and began to open it. "Is that what I think it is?", asked Aunt Cass. I opened the box and inside revealed some good looking pastries. "Oh my goodness, they're cannoli's! I haven't had these in a long while", she said. She took one and bit into it "Wow these are delicious! Try it you two! "We shrugged and picked up a cannoli and took a bite, and they were delicious, Hiro's face lit up like some kid got a cool present. "Wow! These are good!", he said. "Where did you get these?", he asked, ''A friend of mine gave them to me, but their from an Italian restaurant not too far from here", I explained.

"Tadashi, please tell her that we really appreciate it. It brings back good memories", Aunt Cass said with a smile. "Heh, sure thing Aunt Cass. If you guys will excuse me, Ima head to bed now". "Of course sweetie, Goodnight!", she said. "Night Bro", said Hiro. "Don't stay up too late Hiro", I told him. He just rolled his eyes and smiled, "Whatever you say Bro". I chuckled and shook my head, I headed up towards our shared room.

I changed into my PJ's and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a book from my shelf and laid on my bed and began to read. A few minutes passed by and then I remembered that I needed to text Kitiara. I quickly grabbed my phone and shot her a text.

Kitiara's POV

I was out on my balcony looking out towards the empty streets, and looking at the stars. This reminded me of the time when my parents and I would go stargazing on a clear sky like this. I closed my eyes, remembering those moments.


I opened my eyes and slowly turned around. It was my phone that had gone off. I took one last glance at the clear night, "Te extraño", I said quietly. I walked in my room, closed the balcony door, and walked over to my desk. I picked up my phone and saw an unknown number. I unlocked it and read the message, It was from Tadashi.

Unknown Number: Hey, it's me Tadashi. Sorry I didn't text you earlier, but I did get home safely.

I smiled slightly, glad that he had gotten home safely. I quickly added him to my contacts and texted him back.

Me: Hey, it's no problem. And I'm glad you got home safely.

Third POV

Tadashi was reading his book when his phone dinged. He rolled over and looked at the screen and saw a message from Kitiara. He smiled slightly and replied back.

Tadashi: Yeah, btw Thanks for the Cannoli's. They were amazing, it made Aunt Cass really happy.

Kitiara: Oh! I'm glad she liked it, what did your brother think?

Tadashi: He actually liked it, which surprised me a bit, he tends to be picky at times.

Kitiara was now laying on her bed, continuing to text Tadashi. She felt comfortable talking to him, she's never had a friend before, it's still all new to her. She smiles slightly at the thought of  having an actual friend, but she didn't keep her hopes up. ( What happens if one day he doesn't want to talk to me anymore or doesn't want to be friends anymore. Maybe it's best not to get too close. Same goes to his friends.) she thought. She sighed deeply at the thought, nonetheless she continued texting Tadashi.

Kitiara: Heh, that's good, if you ever need advice for a place to eat, I'm ya girl :)

Tadashi: Heh, I'll keep that in mind.

Kitiara: Btw, you never told me you brothers name.

Tadashi: Oh, his name is Hiro.

Kitiara: Hmm, sounds familiar, but anyway I'd like to meet him one day.

Tadashi: Maybe we can make plans one of these days, if you'd like :)

Kitiara: I'd like that :). Well it's getting late, and I have classes tomorrow. Ima head off to bed.

Tadashi: Yeah same here. Goodnight Kitiara.

Kitiara: Night Tadashi.

And with that they both drifted off to sleep, smiles on both their faces.

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