Chapter 15

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Tadashi POV

"Wow, that storm literally came out of nowhere. Well one thing for sure, I'm not letting you go out in that Kitiara. You can stay here for the night.", said Aunt Cass. Kitiara didn't answer, she just continued looking towards the window. "Kitiara?", I called, but still no response, "Kitiara? "I said again and touched her shoulder. She flinched "Um....sorry, what did you say, I zoned out a bit". "Well, uh, Aunt Cass didn't want you going out in the rain, and was suggesting you stay here", Kitiara's eyes widened a bit and looked over at Aunt Cass "Oh, umm....yeah, I think that'd be safe. That's if it's okay with you all?", she said looking between Aunt Cass and I. ''Yeah it's no problem, you can borrow my bed". Kitiara put her hand up and shakes her head "No, I'll take the couch, I don't wanna take your bed. Plus I kind of like sleeping on couches, you'd be surprised how comfortable they can be", she said, chuckling slightly.

"Are you sure? Because I really don't mind letting you use it", I said. "I'm positive", she said. Aunt Cass clapped her hands together "Okay then! Let me grab you a blanket and a pillow. I'll be right back", Aunt Cass went to her room, Kitiara and I stood up and walked over to the kitchen, she took my plate and started washing them. She dried her hands and leaned against the counter with her arms crossed and in deep thought. "Hey Kitiara?", she looked up at me with her eyebrows slightly raised "Yeah?". I rubbed the back of my neck "I'm so sorry about your parents, I should've probably known or asked, or something. I hope I didn't upset you", I said sadly while staring at the floor. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Kitiara smiling sadly "You didn't upset me Tadashi. I mean yeah it hurts every once and awhile but, its nice talking about them", she said.

I sighed in relief. "I know how that feels, Hiro and I lost our parents when we were pretty young too. Aunt Cass took us in and raised us here". Kitiara stood next to me "I'm sorry about your loss. I'm sure your parents were great people'', she said, smiling slightly." Thanks, and I'm sure yours were too", I said, making her smile again. "Okay, here is a blanket and a pillow. Did you need anything else sweetie?", asked Aunt Cass. Kitiara chuckled "No, I'm all good. Thanks again for letting me shelter in your humble home" Aunt Cass laughed, "Oh Kitiara, of course. If you need anything, just let any of us know". "Kitiara nodded in thanks and started setting up her "bed".

"Welp, I'm off to bed, Goodnight", said Aunt Cass while waving to us and entering her room. I turn toward Kitiara who was still setting up "It's really coming down huh?", I said walking over to the window." Heh, it sure is, but I've seen worse storms. Thankfully there isn't much thunder tonight", she said. I nodded in agreement "Oh! Did you want to let your Uncle know that your staying here tonight? "Oh, don't worry about it, he knows I'm fine, plus he's out on a business trip for 2 weeks"." Oh, okay" , was all I said "Well then, I'll leave you. Goodnight Kitiara''." Night, Tadashi, she said, smiling slightly. I headed upstairs, and started getting ready for bed. Hiro was at his desk working on a bot he recently built. I laid down on my bed and started reading my book. "Is Kitiara staying the night?", asked Hiro. "Yeah, she is. Aunt Cass wouldn't let her out in this storm". Hiro chuckled "That's Aunt Cass' '.




I slowly opened my eyes and looked toward my alarm. I reached over and turned it off. Slowly I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes, I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Afterwards, I head downstairs to get breakfast (I wonder if Kitiara would like some breakfast?) I looked over towards the couch and saw that Kitiara was no longer there. I noticed that she had neatly folded the blanket and placed the pillow on top. I chuckled a bit, walked over to the kitchen and proceeded to make breakfast. I heard a door open and close and turned to see Aunt Cass "Good morning Tadashi". "Morning Aunt Cass, how'd you sleep?". "Pretty good!", she said while making a pot of coffee.

"Where's Kitiara?", she asked. "Oh, I think she left before any of us woke up". Aunt Cass frowned a bit "Oh, I was hoping she would stay for breakfast. I was going to make some pancakes''. "I'm sure they would've been great, but if you want, I'm pretty sure Kitiara has classes today. I can bring her some if you still plan on making them", I offered. Aunt Cass smiled "Oh! That's a great idea, you're such a good friend Tadashi. I'll get started".

After eating some of the pancakes Aunt Cass made, I went to get ready. I picked up my bag and headed downstairs. I saw that Hiro was enjoying the pancakes. I went over and said Good morning while ruffling his hair. He swatted my hand away while giving me an annoyed face, but later laughed it off. Aunt Cass handed me a bag that contained the pancakes "Here are Kitiara's, I hope she likes them". I chuckled a bit "I'm sure she will" I said. I gave Aunt Cass a hug and said goodbye. I headed out the house and towards my moped and rode off to SFIT.

Kitiara's POV

I unlocked the door and entered the apartment. I immediately went to the restroom to wash up, after doing so I changed into some fresh clothes. I flopped on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I let out a sigh and turned my head to see the time, my classes are going to start in a couple of hours. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed a yogurt cup and closed the fridge. I grabbed a spoon and walked to the dining table, seeing an envelope there. I grabbed it and opened it to see some cash inside. I tossed it to the side and ate my yogurt.

After eating and cleaning up, my phone alarm went off indicating to me that it's time to leave for campus. I grabbed the envelope, my bag and penny board, slipped on my shoes and headed out the door. I placed the money in my wallet and then put it back in my bag. I placed my penny board on the street and set off to SFIT.

*20 Minutes Later*

I arrived at SFIT and went straight to my lab and started organizing some tools and other things. While doing so I heard a knock on my door, I set down the things in my hand and went to open it. To my surprise it was Tadashi. "Tadashi, Hi. What's up?"." Hey Kitiara, nothin much I wanted to drop this off. Aunt Cass made them this morning", he said, holding a small bag towards me. I grabbed the bag and took out the small box, opening it revealing delicious pancakes.

"Heh, Aunt Cass never ceases to amaze me. Can't believe she remembered that I like the mini pancakes", I said with a slight smile.

I looked up at Tadashi. "Tell her I said Thank You, and thanks for bringing me some. Definitely will get me through the morning." He chuckled "No problem, glad I was able to help", as soon as he said that something fell on the ground making a big clanking sound. "Ah dang it", I said quickly, went over to the object and picked it up. Tadashi walked in a bit and saw that the lab was a bit unorganized. Kitiara saw him looking around "Heh I promise I'm much more organized than this. I'm just trying to figure out where to put everything." "Did you want some help?", asked Tadashi. "Uh, no it's okay. I can figure it out, and I'm sure you have class soon, don't wanna make you late."

"It's really no problem, also I don't have class yet until later. Gives me time to help you out", said Tadashi as he was already picking up stuff. I let out a breath laugh "Alright, but know I like things a specific way", he chuckled lightly. "Then tell me what to do." I slightly smiled and with that we got to work.

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