Chapter 25

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Morning came and Kitiara was up and running around her room getting ready. Throwing her clothes left and right. She stops for a moment and runs her hand through her messy hair. "What am I gonna wear?" she says to herself. She stood back and started scanning her closet. Her eyes landed on an outfit that was hanging on the closet rod. She stepped forward and grabbed it, she lifted it up and started examining it. "Hmm, maybe this will do." she said exiting the closet.

She placed the outfit on her bed, she then walked to her door mirror. She leaned in a bit closer, "Wow, I could use a face mask, but do I have time? "she asked herself and glanced at the clock. "Hmm, I still have an hour before I need to leave, and I already took a shower." she thought for a second. "Oh what the heck." she said and went to the restroom to do her facial routine. While waiting she would also clean up her closet since she literally threw clothes everywhere. Same time she played music to motivate her more.

The timer went off, indicating it was time to remove the mask. After doing so, she went ahead and finished getting ready. She first did her hair which was just braided, pulling a few strands to frame her face. She then changed into her outfit, she wore a white long sleeve blouse with Polka dots, and pants that had suspenders. Skipping the make-up since Kitiara wasn't fond of it, the only thing she put on was a chap stick that was slightly tinted. Finally she tied her headband around her wrist and then faced the mirror.

She stood there staring at herself, while fidgeting with her fingers. Kitiara felt hesitant about her outfit," Should I wear this? "she asked herself. She turned her head to look at the time," Too late to change it now." she said, glancing at herself one last time. She then grabbed her small cross body bag and her black ankle boots is he stuffed her keys and phone in her bag and head towards the front door. As she was putting on her boots she felt her phone vibrate, she quickly took it out and saw that Tadashi was calling her. "Hello?" she said still putting on her shoes. "Hey Kitiara, Aunt Cass was wondering if you were on your way? "he asked.

"Hey, and yeah. I'm heading out the door now as we speak. I'm sorry, I must be holding you guys up." she said, feeling worried they might not take her anymore. "Oh, no not at all. Aunt Cass wanted to set another plate of breakfast for you, she didn't want it getting cold by the time you get here." he said. Kitiara felt relieved that he wasn't mad at her. He's just hiding it. He is annoyed by you. Kitiara shook her head," Oh, that sounds amazing, I'm on my way now. I'll be there in a few." she said. "Okay, sounds good. See you soon!" he said happily.

*Some Time Later*

Kitiara arrived at Tadashi's place and knocked on the door. Moments later the door opened to reveal Tadashi, who smiled widely at her. "Hey Kitiara! Glad you made it, come in. "he said stepping aside so Kitiara can enter. "Hey Tadashi, thanks again for inviting me to tag along with you guys." she said smiling up at him." Heh, it was no problem. I'm glad your coming with us. I heard the festival is supposed to be extra exciting today." he said, then gestured for Kitiara to climb up the stairs.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Kitiara smiled "Morning guys.", she said while walking towards the kitchen. Hiro looked up and smiled, he got up from his chair and up to Kitiara. The two started doing their handshake. Both Tadashi and Aunt Cass smiled and chuckled at the two. After finishing their handshake, Kitiara ruffled Hiro's hair making the pre teen laugh. "Alright Hiro, come finish your breakfast. Here Kitiara I made a plate for you." said Cass placing a plate down on the table." Oh, thanks Aunt Cass. " said Kitiara and made her way over to the table.

After everyone ate their breakfast and cleaned up, they got ready to head out. They started walking down the sidewalk towards the bus stop. "So what did you guys have planned for the festival?" asked Kitiara. "Nothing much honestly, we were just planning on walking around. Did you have something planned?" asked Tadashi. "Ah, not really. "she said, a bit hesitant. "You sure?" asked Tadashi. "I'll see when we get there, but I do wanna try as much of the food as possible." said Kitiara excitedly. "Oh same here! I heard that some of the finest chefs are gonna be at the festival cooking up their famous dishes!" said Cass with a huge smile.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of games they'll have this year," said Hiro." Last year's games were pretty fun, I can't wait to see what they have this year. Same for the food." said Kitiara. They all approached the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. A few moments later the bus arrived, they all boarded and started heading towards the festival. Cass and Hiro sat together, while Tadashi sat with Kitiara. Kitiara stared out the window watching the city pass by. Tadashi leaned forward to look out the window, then this gaze shifted on Kitiara. He lightly chuckled which caught Kitiara's attention "What?" she asked with a small smile. "Oh, ah heh nothing. So, are you excited to attend the festival?" he asked her. Kitiara's smile widened a bit. "Absolutely, I'm really glad to be going, and it's really thanks to you." she said. Tadashi smiled "It was no problem, really. It's important to enjoy yourself every once in a while and enjoy life." he said.

"Heh I agree with that, but thanks again for inviting me. It means a lot to me." she said, smiling at Tadashi. The bus came to a slow stop, the group got off the bus and continued walking towards the festival. As they were getting nearer they could hear the music playing as well as seeing all the beautiful cherry blossom trees, and getting the delicious scent of food. Finally they made it to the festivals entrance." Ugh, finally we made it!" said Hiro. The other chuckled a bit "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go in! Come on!" said Cass leading the group in.

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