Chapter 28

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Just wanted to mention that I didn't put in all the lyrics to the song on here, just parts of it to go with the story. And also thank you so much for the 2k readers! This is amazing! I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story so far. As always enjoy this chapter! :D


What do you mean I'm your backup singer? You know I don't do crowds." Kitiara said, crossing her arms across her chest. "Please Kitiara. I really need your help, this show is an important part of the festival. To bring joy and togetherness between people." Gloria stands up and grabs Kitiara's hands in hers, "Your voice is absolutely beautiful, whether you believe it or not, but it is. You singing in this festival will bring hope to people, and you singing from your heart will definitely do that." she said. Kitiara looked down at the floor unsure about singing in front of a huge crowd. "Your cousin right." said a voice. Kitiara and Gloria turned towards the voice and saw that it was Tadashi. He stepped forward and stood in front of Kitiara, "I know you can do it Kitiara, I've heard you sing once, and it was amazing. You put a lot of emotion in your singing. That can bring joy and hope to everyone. You can do it." he said with determination on his face.

Kitiara looked up at him wide eyed, and then down at the floor thinking on what to do. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose, and exhaled while opening her eyes. "The things I do for you Gloria." she said while shaking her with a slight smile. Gloria laced her hands together and brought them under her chin, "Does that mean you'll do it?" she asked excitedly. Sighing once again, "I guess I don't have a choice." she said. Gloria jumped up and down with joy and hugged her cousin tightly. "Thank you so much Kitiara, you are a lifesaver. The only thing that's left now is, what are you going to sing?" she asked. "Uh, I don't know. What were you going to sing?" asked Kitiara. "Uhhh, something that definitely isn't your style. Hmm.....I really don't know. Oh wait!" said Gloria. She leaned over to Kitiara and whispered in her ear. Kitiara's eyebrows went up slightly and pulled away looking at Gloria unsure. "I don't know, I haven't sung that since I was a kid." she said. "Trust me it's perfect for tonight. You can do it." said Gloria, placing a comforting hand on Kitiara's shoulder.

Kitiara took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Alright, but just so you know Gloria you owe me, and you owe me big." she said. "Heh, love you too cuz." she said smiling. "Hey everyone, we have thirty minutes until the show starts!" said the guy with headphones. "Alright, I'll let the musicians know about the changes, you however need to head over to hair and makeup. You gotta look your best out there. Selena, we got a code yellow!" shouted Gloria. A woman with black and red hair came to the two girls and guided Kitiara away to the hair and make-up station. "Okay, but I don't like a lot of makeup on my face. Something really simple please." said Kitiara. The lady simply nodded her head and seated her down on a stool and got to work.

*Some Time Later*

"Alright, the musicians are all ready to go. The stage team made some necessary changes. Everything's all set for Kitiara's performance, now all we need is Kitiara." said Gloria looking around for her. "Alright I'm ready, I guess." said a voice from behind Gloria and Tadashi. Turning around they noticed her walking towards them. "Aww, you look great!" said Gloria. "I look the same, minus my touched up hair and very little makeup," said Kitiara. Gloria chuckles, " Maybe so, but you look great nonetheless." she said. "Yeah, you look great," said Tadashi. Kitiara shrugged her shoulders, giving them a small faint smile. Gloria clapped her hands together, "Okay! This is the plan, you're gonna go on a small rising platform. You're gonna stand on it and it's gonna lift you up onto the stage. While at the same time the musicians are going to start playing. Got it?" she said. "Uh yeah I think so," said Kitiara.

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