Chapter 13

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Kitiara's POV

Tadashi and I were walking towards his moped, he suddenly stopped and looked down at his phone. I took a quick peek to see what he was doing, I saw that he was texting Aunt Cass. I took a quick step back and focused my attention towards the gorgeous sunset. A few minutes passed and Tadashi called my name, I turned my head with my eyebrows slightly raised. "Aunt Cass was wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner tonight?", he said. I looked away a bit, "Should I accept or decline? But what if Tio Luis wants to train tonight, maybe I shouldn't. Maybe this could be good for me..... or a bad idea". I looked at Tadashi again, I was about to say something, until my phone started ringing. I looked down to see Tio Luis calling "Excuse me", I said to Tadashi, he gave me a small nod. I turned around and answered.

"Hello?" I said." Kitiara? Sorry for calling out of nowhere, but I wanted to let you know that I'm going on a trip for 2 weeks, and I'm leaving tonight", he explained. "Oh" was all I said. In all honesty these out of the blue trips started when I was old enough to stay home alone. 13 years old to be exact, he would be away for 2 or 3 weeks. So I was pretty much used to it, "I'm sorry kiddo, but some important stuff came up". "It's fine really, do what you gotta do, I'll be fine. I have plans tonight so I won't be home yet"."Sounds good kiddo, be careful coming home, okay? he said the last part in a stern tone. "Si Señor", I said with a small smile, with that I hung up.

I walked toward Tadashi "Everything okay?" he asked with concern laced in his voice. "Yeah, everything's all good, and to answer your question from earlier....... I'd love to join", I said with a small smile. He smiled widely" Great! First we need to stop by the store to pick up some cilantro and lemons for Aunt Cass". "Oh! I know a place where we can get the freshest cilantro and lemons, as well as the best quality", I said while putting on the helmet. Tadashi chuckled "You really know your way around San Fransokyo". I grinned slightly" Yeah, well I do like a good adventure". Tadashi smiled, and mounted his moped, I sat behind him sideways and held onto his shoulders.

* Eight Minutes Later *

We arrived at a small store that was filled with fresh produce, as well as some delicious pastries. I hopped off the moped and clipped off my helmet. I walked over to where the vegetables were and started looking for cilantro and lemons. "Hola mi Corazon! Como estas?", I heard someone say. I turned around and realized it was the store lady "Hola Señora Flora! Estoy bien, y usted?", I asked with a small smile." Bien! Ocupada como siempre. Dígame si necesitas ayuda, okay?", I chuckled a bit. "Okay! Muchas gracias!!

Tadashi stood next to me while I was looking, "You know the store owner?". "Yeah, I guess you could say I'm a regular '', I said. Tadashi glanced around "Wow, a lot of these veggies look so fresh. It's like being at a farmers market". "It's kinda like that. Señora Flora, who runs this store works with a farmer that provides her fresh produce", I said holding up four lemons, and putting them in a plastic bag. I then continued looking for the cilantro." Now the cilantro should be around here.... aha!", I picked up the cilantro and slightly waved it next to my head.

"Wow, these look great!", he said. "One of the reasons why I like coming to this store for my veggies and fruits'', I said grinning slightly." I'll go ahead and pay for these, and we can get going", I started to head towards the counter, but Tadashi grabbed my shoulder stopping me "Woah, woah, woah I'm not letting you pay for something I needed to get", he said with a raised brow. "I don't mind at all, really", I insisted. Unfortunately Tadashi wasn't having it, in a swift motion he took the items out of my hands, and headed towards Señora Flora. I rolled my eyes while slightly smiling, I went ahead and decided to look at the flowers that were displayed at the front.

Tadashi's POV

I headed towards the counter where Señora Flora was waiting with a smile. I smiled back "Hello, I'd like to purchase this bag of cilantro and lemons please". "Of course! How are you doing today dear?", she asked." I'm doing good! How's your day treating you?", I asked." Oh not too bad, it was a bit busy during the lunch rush, but overall it's been very good"." I'm sure it was, you have very fresh produce to offer", she nodded her head a bit "It's all thanks to my friend and her husband, they run an excellent farm". I nodded and handed her the amount owed, as she was getting change she asked "Tell me, how long have you known Kitiara?". This question got me off guard a bit "Oh! Um, I'd say for about a week and half", I said with a shy smile.

She smiled "It's good to see her making friends". I furrowed my eyebrows a bit when she said that, but I didn't think much of it. She handed me the change and a small brown bag that had the lemons and cilantro."Using this cilantro goes very well on top of freshly cooked rice, really enhances the flavor ". "Mmm, I'll let my Aunt know, she's using it to make tacos tonight". "Ah, another great way to use cilantro. Forgive me for asking, but my curiosity gets the best of me. By any chance is Kitiara joining this dinner tonight?", she asked. Most people would consider this to be nosey, but I didn't see it that way. I can tell she cares very much about Kitiara ." In fact she is, my Aunt insisted on her joining", she laughed a bit. "Then can I recommend something?", she said while turning to walk towards the back.

Moments later she came out holding a somewhat small box "This was made today. It's one of Kitiara's favorite", she said last part in a whisper. She opened the box slightly to show a very delicious cake, she closed the lid and handed me the box "No charge", she said with a smile. "Are you sure? I don't mind paying"."For sure, it'll give Kitiara a little taste of home", I smiled and thanked her. I walked over to Kitiara "Okay, we're all set!", I said. She turned towards me and eyed the box "What's in there", she asked. "You'll just have to wait and see", I told her and headed towards the moped.

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