Chapter 11

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I wanted to thank everyone for reading my fanfic book, 179 readers, thats crazy!! Thanks so much my lovelies
Enjoy this chapter 😁

Kitiara's POV

Tadashi smiled at me after accepting his offer. Aunt Cass clapped her hands together, "Great! You two should get going. Don't wanna be late for your classes now". She started pushing us towards the exit. "But I haven't paid for my things!", I said to her. "Don't worry about it, it's on the house, now go on you two!" she said and pushed us outside, "Have fun at school!", she said waving at us before walking back in the café. I stared at the door then at Tadashi and chuckled a bit. "Umm... well... that happened". Tadashi chuckled as well, while rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that." I gave him a small smile, "Don't worry about it, it's all good. So, should we head to SFIT?". "Uh, yeah! My mopeds right over here", he said leading the way.

"Here you go", Tadashi handed me a helmet, I thanked him and put it on. He did the same and started up the moped, he gestured for me to get on. I sat on sideways and held on to his shoulders, "Ready?", he asked. "Yep, ready to go", I replied. With that we headed towards SFIT. We were waiting at a red light, and Tadashi turned his head slightly towards me, "I wanted to Thank You, for the cannoli's. Everyone loved it, especially Aunt Cass. She said it brought back good memories", he said chuckling at the end. I chuckled slightly, "It was no problem, I'm glad you guys liked them. That Italian place makes the best Cannoli's"." They sure are good, I might swing by that place sometime. How did you find that place?", he asked. The light turned green when I answered his question "Well, I like to explore new places, and try new and unique dishes. You'd be surprised on what you'd find". He chuckled ,"I should probably explore more of San Fransokyo restaurants". "Yeah definitely, it's good to go out and see what the city has to offer. Also you'd be getting some fresh air, instead of being cooped up in a certain lab all day", I said with an eyebrow raised along with a smirk.

Tadashi breathy laughed "I-I don't do that", I looked at him with a "really" look. He quickly looked back and saw the look I was giving him. He signed in defeat " Okay, okay. Maybe I do at times"." Mm hmm, tell me when was the last you when out and explored the city. Like really explored the city". It was silent for a bit, "To be honest it's been quite a while, I did more exploring when Hiro and I were a bit younger, but after attending at SFIT, I guess I just stopped. Don't get me wrong I spend time hanging with my family and friends, but we go to our usual hang out places. I never really explored, explored". I was silent for a while, thinking about how lucky Tadashi is to have family and friends to go out and have fun with. Me on the other hand never had that chance, my uncle and I really never "hanged out", he only took me out for my training and that was pretty much it. He's always out on some sort of business trip and would be gone for weeks, leaving me alone. Though I've gotten used to it at this point, but there are times when it does get to me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Tadashi was calling my name.

"Kitiara?....Kitiara?", I shook my head "Hmm?". "You okay? You were quiet for a while", he asked with concern in his voice. "Oh, yeah, I was just thinking of a place you should visit", I said calmly." Oh yeah? What place", he asked. "Umm, I can't quite remember the name. I went when I was really young, but it was a Latino place where their food is amazing!". "Heh, sounds intriguing. I'd like to visit it sometime", he said. I opened my mouth, but closed it. I was debating whether I should offer to show him or not. I looked at Tadashi, and then looked away and sighed in defeat, closing my eyes and slightly shaking my head. "Yeah, you definitely should'', I said with a tight smile. It was silent for the rest of the ride.

Shortly after we arrived at SFIT, Tadashi parked his moped, I then hopped off, took off my helmet and handed it back to him. "Thanks for the ride", I said with a small smile. He smiled back "It was no problem. If you ever need ride, don't hesitate to ask"." That's.... really generous of you. Thank you", I said. He smiled again and slightly nodded "Your welcome. Anything for a friend". My smile dropped slightly, but I don't think he noticed. He considered me his friend? I pushed the thought aside, I nodded slightly and glanced at the time "I should get going. Don't wanna be late for class. I'll see you around Tadashi'', I waved goodbye while slowly turning around to walk to class. "(Anything for a friend)", that sentence repeated in my head.

(Could it be? That I can have an actual real friend?)

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