A Dream

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[I got new banners. Thanks to _justloveharry_33 for this!]

 Thanks to _justloveharry_33 for this!]

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Fire is burning. The flames have covered everything from one's vision. As if Agni Deva is not going to stop before burning everything to ashes!

Which place is this? Is this Varanavata? That palace of lac? How did I come here? Devika could not figure out.

The fire leapt up more rapidly, in a more aggressive way. Devika's heart almost stopped beating to find Yudhishthira within the dancing flames. He had fallen unconscious, unable to move from the flames!

"Yuvaraj! Escape!" Devika tried to shout but her voice did not reach him. She rushed to the fire to bring him out.

The path turned out to be much, much longer than it actually appeared to her. Devika ran for a long time but could not yet reach Yudhishthira to save him. But before she could reach, a miracle happened.

A figure stepped out of that fire. Devika's eyes closed for a while due to the dazzling aura of that figure, but soon her vision settled. Within those flames she could spot a female figure. The face could not be seen, though. Only an arm, a dark complexioned arm was all that she could see. The female figure slowly moved to Yudhishthira and held his hand warmly.

Devika breathed. Blue lotus was tied with the golden one!

That touch did magic. Yudhishthira woke up. His copper-hued eyes met those of the unknown lady. That very moment, the violent fire turned into an earthen Deepadhara radiating soft, soothing light.

As if an offering in a temple. Devika mused, and then only her trance shattered. She jerked off from the pillar of temple which she was leaning on.

Her heart raced remembering the scene. What did she just see? Was it a mere dream? Or did it have any other meaning?

She closed her eyes, trying to see that scene again. It did not come anymore. But it had been already rooted in her memory. Her wounded heart felt good just at that thought.

After a week, hope began to rise in her heart. Would this vision come true? Was there really someone who could bring Yudhishthira back to his life?

Who was that lady? Was she any Goddess? Devika regretted for not being able to see her face.


Balarama's chamber

"You returned so soon?" Balarama gave a surprised look to His younger, "Did you find anything there?"

"Several mysteries are opening up, Dau!" Krishna said, "I will explain you later in detail."

"By the way, Satyaki has sent a letter for you." Balarama handed over a scroll to Krishna.

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