Her Unknown Grief

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"Worry not, Rajkumari!" Ratnavali tried to comfort Devika, "all will be fine!"

Devika nodded unmindfully. Since last two days she could not sleep well. Whenever she closed her eyes some horrible dreams kept coming. She wondered why she was that much disturbed even in Dwaraka, in close company of all her loved ones.

It had been one week since Satyabhama's wedding took place. All of them had enjoyed to the fullest. This time it was her best memory so far, to have Yudhishthira by her side all the time. His smile made her breathe, his words made her life worth living! Everything was normal just a few days ago. Then why was this sudden restlessness coming within her peaceful, happy heart?

"We need to prepare for the journey, my Princess!" Ratnavali reminded, "Maharaj wants to start by tomorrow morning."

Devika could not listen to her fully. "Ratna, I am going to Bhrata's room once. Need to talk with Him."

Getting ready as soon as possible by changing her night attire, she rushed to Krishna. Ratnavali kept calling but she did not pay heed to that.

But more surprise was awaiting her there.

As soon as Devika reached Krishna's room, she heard Kunti.

"You are right, Krishna." She was saying, "we shall not be late anymore. I have asked my sons to be prepared to start today only."

Devika froze in her steps. What was the Queen of Hastinapura talking about? What should not be late? Were they preparing to leave Dwaraka today itself?

"Pranam Shivi Kumari!" The guard saluted her. "May I inform Dwarakadheesh about your arrival?"

Devika nodded. The guard went inside to tell Krishna. After a while, he returned and respectfully bowed, "Please enter, Rajkumari, he is waiting for you!"

Devika hurried in. Her eyes fell on Kunti first, who was sitting on a throne, talking to Krishna. She smiled at Devika affectionately. Devika approached her and touched her feet with sheer reverence.

"Be blessed, Vatse!" Kunti placed her right palm on Devika's head, "it was our pleasure to spend lots of lovely moments with you and your family! Will miss you a lot!"

Devika looked at Krishna with question in her eyes. Realizing, Krishna nodded, "Devi, Bua is leaving today with her sons."

"Today itself!" Devika could not resist.

"We have to, Devika!" Kunti said, "Jyeshtha Bhrata Dhritarashtra's message has come. People of Varanavata have invited us to participate in their annual Shiva Puja festival."

Devika found herself tongue-tied. A pilgrimage is something one can never deny. What more could she say over this?

Kunti's mother's heart sensed Devika's silent unwillingness. "Don't be sad, Putri." She patted her cheeks, "Kanha will marry again soon and we all get to meet again!" She smiled, looking at Krishna.

"Bua, now you too!" Krishna made an innocent face.

"I know well that is going to happen, Putra!" Kunti said, "don't you think so, Devika?"

"I agree, Maharani!" Devika managed to bring a smile on her face. Question arose in her heart but she could not voice it. Something made her feel suffocating. Some unknown fear.

"Now I have to go, children! See you again before departing!" Kunti said, giving her blessings to both, she went away.

Devika noticed Krishna looking at Kunti's path, His facial expression was grave.

"Bhrata?" She called.

"Tell." Krishna said evenly.

"Could not the Kuru king wait for a few couple of days? Why such a hurry to call them back?"

"Maybe the festival of Varanavata is about to begin. And," He suppressed a sigh but Devika noticed His effort. "And, it is urgent for the Yuvaraj to attend the same!"

"Why Yuvaraj only?" Devika flared up, "if someone from the royal family needs to represent the king there, could not any of those hundred princes do that? Why making Yuvaraj do all the work every time? Isn't he a human? Doesn't he deserve rest?"

"Calm, Devi, calm!" Krishna smiled, "out of excitement you are forgetting that Yuvaraj is the actual representative of a king. In his absence, Jyeshtha Bhrata has to go."

"I know Bhrata, but I simply cannot convince myself! Don't know why it feels like something bad..no, not bad, something dangarous is going to happen!"

Krishna did not reply. His face turned grave again.

"Since two days I'm having inauspicious dreams!" Devika anxiously continued, "It feels like they should not leave Dwaraka so soon!"

Krishna chose to be silent.

"Bhrata?" Devika shook His arm gently, "why are you silent? Only you can stop them! Yuvaraj will never disobey if you ask him to stay a day or two more!"

"I cannot change the future, Devi!" Krishna whispered, "no one can!"

"Future!" Looking at Krishna's face, Devika felt a chill run down her spine.

"Is my fear true then?" She held her breath, "is really a bad time coming to their lives?"

"Time cannot be good or bad, Devika! Good or bad can be only Karma! And if you are doing good karma, know that no bad time can touch you ever!

Na hi kalyankari durgatim taata gachchhati. (The one who does good to others, never ever suffers danger!)

"Trust my words, sister!" Krishna finally smiled His affectionate smile, keeping His assuring hand on the head of His disciple.


It was the time of departure.

Devika silently watched Yudhishthira touching the feet of Vasudeva and his wives along with all other elders. The usual calm smile was missing from his serene face. Rather it was clouded with worry. His tranquil brow had curves. Devika sensed that he too was getting some negative vibes regarding this sudden call of Maharaj Dhritarashtra, yet something held him back from voicing it.

Her heart turned heavy when he faced her, joining his palms to a namaskara. She reciprocated the gesture mechanically while her eyes were eager to read his thoughts. It felt like he had realized something but could not afford to express.

"Hope we will meet again soon, Rajkumari!" His voice brought Devika back to her senses, "till then, take care!"

"Take care of yourself too, Yuvaraj!" She said, "because if you are not well, Hastinapura will not be either! For the sake of your praja and for Dharma, you have to be well!"

Yudhishthira nodded, acknowledging her caring concern for him.

"Happy journey!" She managed to smile. It drew a smile from him too. Nodding at her again, he proceeded to his brothers who were waiting for him.

Before riding his chariot, Yudhishthira could not resist turning to the palace gate again. She was still there, looking at him. His eyes met hers. Her loving stare made him take a deep breath.

My fate smiles if you do
I get power to struggle
Only if you pray for me!
I'm going to sail my boat
To some unknown direction
Be the polar star for me, Love!

Indrasena started to drive the chariot. Yudhishthira still stared at Devika as long as she was visible. After the chariot went out of her vision, Devika's fake smile turned into tears. Some unknown grief kept squeezing her heart, making her burst into tears.

As if she would never get to see him again! As if the same Yudhishthira would never return to her!

Her tears mixed with the dust his chariot wheels had left behind.


[Author's note: The verse used here in Krishna's dialogue is a line of Geeta.]

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