Time Has Come

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Krishna's blue-black fingers ran over the scroll He had just received. A knowing smile played on His lips.

This letter had arrived from Kampilya. He knew who had sent it. He knew that His dear Sakhi would need Him right now. And He Himself was also waiting for her call.

Sakha Govinda,

You have promised to stay by my side in every problem I face. Remembering that assurance I gather courage to write this to you. Since a month, a lot weird things are happening with me. I do not know why, but it feels like you, only you, have the solution for this!

Sakha, I fail to understand what I see. Not only in my dreams but sometimes even with awakened, open eyes too! I see five men,... no, not men, they look like Gods. I see them in pain. I see them getting separated from their lady love. And most surprisingly, I hear them calling me! Yes, it's me whom they call!

I cannot remember when, where I have seen them, but they seem familiar, Sakha! They want to remind me of something I forgot. But what it is, I cannot recall.

And then comes another weird vision. I see myself, clad in deerskin, doing hard penance for Mahadeva. Finally when He comes, I pray for husband. Five times!

How strange it is, Sakha? Why did I ask for five times? And the Lord, well, He too blessed me with five husbands, smiling? How could He give such a strange boon?

What is the meaning of all these, Govinda? Is it my past? Who am I? How did I come here? What is my future?

I cannot tell this to any of my family members. My mind is torn between my present and this unclear past. Only you can explain this to me, Govinda! As a friend, I request you, please come and rescue me from this darkness!

Your Sakhi,

The Lord of Dwaraka lifted His lotus eyes from the letter, smiling.

Princess Draupadi might have forgotten her past, but how could she forget her soul that was tied with five hearts! Her soul was bound to connect to them, who were hers since yugas and kalpas!

Krishna took a deep breath. News had come from Maharishi Vyasa. Pandavas had begun living in the town of Ekchakra. It was time to begin with the actual preparation now!

Time has come for the reunion of lovers, separated since yugas! Time has come that Draupadi would have to know who she is!

Be prepared to garland your Indra once again, Sachi!



Devika watched Dusshala taking seven steps with Jayadratha. Seven sacred wedding vows that he might never even fulfill to her.

Devika's mind wandered around many fleeting thoughts. She wondered whether Jayadratha would l stop being after her even after this marriage. And knowing her father, she knew that he would not deny if Jayadratha insisted for her swayamvara, or even worse, direct vaagdanam.

For a while, she felt restless. What would happen to her now? No one knew where Yudhishthira was. Who would save her from this?

Krishna! Only Krishna knew where Pandavas are, and when they would return! Till then, she would have to do something to stop her father from arranging her marriage.

And for that, she needed to be with him.

Time has come she has to return Shivi!


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